FoodWhy do tomatoes with stems stay fresh and flavourful for longer

Why do tomatoes with stems stay fresh and flavourful for longer

Don't buy such tomatoes.
Don't buy such tomatoes.
Images source: © Canva | Muk Photo

2 September 2024 09:32

Tomatoes grace our tables year-round but are utterly indispensable in the summer. When selecting tomatoes at the store, we often focus on the skin's appearance, though it's not the sole quality indicator.

Tomatoes bought with stems usually maintain better quality than those without. The stem helps retain the tomato's moisture and flavour. As we know, tomatoes mould very quickly, and we must take steps to prevent them from ending in the trash. Without a stem, tomatoes are more likely to develop mould.

Why should you buy tomatoes with stems?

Longer durability and freshness are among the main advantages of tomatoes with stems. The stem acts as a natural barrier, limiting moisture loss from the tomato and keeping it fresh longer. Additionally, tomatoes with stems often retain their intense flavour and aroma longer.

The stem can also indicate the tomato's quality. How can you tell if a tomato is fresh and flavourful? The colour and structure of the stem are crucial—a green, firm stem signals freshness. If the stem is dry and brown, the tomato may no longer be at its peak.

Moreover, tomatoes with green, healthy stems usually come from local farms and haven't travelled far to reach the store. Choosing tomatoes with such stems increases the likelihood of getting the highest-quality products.

Why is it better to buy tomatoes with stems?
Why is it better to buy tomatoes with stems?© Canva | Yana Gayvoronskaya

How to store tomatoes to keep them fresh for as long as possible

Properly storing tomatoes with stems can significantly extend their freshness. They are best stored at room temperature on the kitchen counter or in an open bowl. They should have constant airflow and not be overcrowded. Using containers that ensure good air circulation, such as mesh baskets or bowls with holes, can be beneficial.

It is also important not to store tomatoes in the fridge. Low temperatures negatively impact taste and alter the tomato's texture. It's advisable to store tomato stems down to limit air access through the exposed area where the stem was attached, which could expedite spoilage.

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