LifestyleHow to protect your home from mice this autumn

How to protect your home from mice this autumn

How to get rid of mice in the house?
How to get rid of mice in the house?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

23 August 2024 09:49

In fairy tales, they are presented as sweet and adorable creatures. Although they look innocent, don't be fooled by appearances — having mice in your house is not a good sign. How to get rid of them? Discover a simple method.

Autumn is a time when mice might appear in our homes. They seek safe shelter and food. While they look cute and play an important role in the ecosystem, no one wants them within their four walls.

How to get rid of mice?

A mouse is a small mammal from the rodent family. It can reach 1 to 5 inches and weighs no more than 1 ounce. In the summer, you can find it in a field or a forest. In the autumn, when it gets cooler, it seeks warm, safe shelter. It sneaks into sheds, barns, cellars, or attics, making a nest. It reproduces at an alarming rate. A female can have ten litters in a year.

Although it poses no threat to humans or pets' lives, it must be removed as soon as possible. Mice carry numerous diseases and also leave behind foul-smelling droppings.

There are many ways to deal with mice. Most of us use special traps in such a situation. This is an effective but very inhumane method since the caught animal may die over several hours.

Scatter around the house. Mice will flee in panic

How can mice be eliminated without using a trap? Mice are susceptible to smells. Some aromas attract them, while others repel them. The latter group includes cinnamon. The spice emits a very strong aroma that repels mice. How can it be used in the fight against pests? Get a few sticks of cinnamon (preferably those from Ceylon). Place them in areas where mice have been seen. After a few days, they should leave the house.

For particularly stubborn individuals, you might consider using cinnamon essential oil. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Add a few drops to water, and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the baseboards and floors, and the aroma of cinnamon will fill the whole house. Besides cinnamon oil, you can also use peppermint or lavender oil, as well as chamomile infusion.

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