FoodField horsetail: A hidden gem for hair and health benefits

Field horsetail: A hidden gem for hair and health benefits

Gather in the meadow and brew. Drink regularly, and you will be surprised that hair can grow so fast.
Gather in the meadow and brew. Drink regularly, and you will be surprised that hair can grow so fast.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

1 June 2024 13:13

Field horsetail is not just a weed but also a treasure trove of beneficial substances for our bodies. Regular infusions or rinses made from horsetail can yield excellent results, especially for the hair.

Although often considered a troublesome weed, field horsetail possesses extraordinary health and cosmetic properties. Its stems resemble miniature fir trees and are rich in valuable substances such as silicon and iron. Regular use of horsetail in the form of infusions or rinses can produce spectacular effects, particularly for our hair. Collected at the right time and properly prepared, horsetail can become a secret ingredient in your daily care routine.

Hair strong and shiny like silk

Field horsetail is a true elixir for hair. The silicon contained within it, often called the "element of life," is involved in synthesizing collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the condition of hair, hair follicles, and the scalp. Thanks to horsetail, hair becomes more robust and less brittle and regains its shine and healthy appearance.

Horsetail effectively combats dandruff and regulates sebum secretion, making it an ideal solution for people with oily scalps.

Not just for hair! Horsetail for health

But horsetail is not just a salvation for hair. Consumed as an infusion, it improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, and accelerates wound healing. It has diuretic effects and helps in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. It also exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a valuable ally in the fight against psoriasis, acne, and couperose skin.

How to use horsetail?

Field horsetail is available in dried form in many drugstores and herbal shops. It can also be collected independently from mid-July to the end of August when it contains the most silica.

From dried horsetail, you can prepare an infusion, decoction, rinse, or bath at home.

Infusions and decoctions:

  • Infusions: Combine one tablespoon of dried horsetail with a cup of boiling water and leave covered for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink three times a day for ailments related to incontinence, enlarged prostate, and urinary tract infections. The infusion accelerates wound healing and helps treat hemorrhoids.
  • Decoctions: Combine 2 tablespoons of dried horsetail with 2 cups of warm water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink a maximum of half a cup three times a day to improve metabolism and stimulate the body to produce urine. Double the dose to prevent bleeding.


Pour half a cup of dried horsetail into a cup of hot water, cover, and leave for 15 minutes. Cool and rinse hair after each wash.


Pour 100 grams of dried horsetail into 1 litre of boiling water and leave covered for an hour. Add the prepared extract to the bath. Horsetail baths help with rheumatic pains and frostbite.

Horsetail treatments should be used regularly to achieve visible effects. However, taking a break from drinking horsetail infusion about every 4 weeks is essential, as it can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B1.

Field horsetail is a natural and inexpensive way to improve hair condition and overall health. Try it, and you will see that nature can work wonders.

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