FoodSimple trick for effortless plum compote bursting with flavour

Simple trick for effortless plum compote bursting with flavour

Plum compote - without removing pits
Plum compote - without removing pits
Images source: © Adobe Stock

7 September 2024 12:54

Do you dream of homemade plum compote but dread the time-consuming task of removing the pits? I have great news – no need to remove them to enjoy a delicious and aromatic compote!

Simply pierce the plums so that the juices and flavours can permeate the drink, while the fruits maintain their shape. Check out how to prepare plum compote that will be the perfect stock for winter days!

Compotes are an excellent way to capture the taste of summer for the winter days. Plums are among the most popular fruits used to make compotes, and their sweet and slightly tangy taste is wonderfully refreshing and reminiscent of the warm months. However, many people avoid making plum compote due to the time-consuming process of removing the pits. There is a simple trick that saves time and allows you to enjoy a delicious drink – just pierce the plums before pouring the syrup over them. This way, the plum compote retains full flavour and aroma, and the fruits look beautiful in the jars.

Recipe for plum compote without removing pits

This plum compote is incredibly simple and quick to make, and it looks beautiful in jars, making it the perfect addition for winter days.


  • 2 kg Italian plums,
  • 1 L water,
  • 500 g sugar,
  • 20 g lemon juice,
  • 5 cloves.


  1. Wash the plums thoroughly and dry them. Then, pierce each plum in several places with a toothpick – this will help the syrup penetrate the inside of the fruit and release the flavour during cooking.
  2. In a large pot, bring the water and sugar to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. If you want to add cloves, put them in the pot at this point.
  3. Add the lemon juice if you like a slightly tangy compote. Simmer the syrup over low heat for about 5 minutes. Place the pierced plums in clean, sterilized jars, packing them tightly but without crushing the fruit.
  4. Pour the hot syrup over the plums in the jars, leaving about 1-2 cm of free space from the top of the jar. Make sure the plums are completely submerged in the syrup.
  5. Seal the jars tightly and place them in a large pot lined with a cloth (to prevent the jars from breaking during boiling).
  6. Fill up with water to cover 3/4 of the jar height and pasteurize over low heat for about 15-20 minutes from the moment the water starts to boil.
  7. After pasteurization, carefully remove the jars from the pot and set them to cool on a cloth, turning them upside down. Once cooled, store the jars in a cool, dark place – preferably in a basement or pantry.

Why make plum compote without removing the pits?

Plum compote prepared without removing the pits is not only easier and quicker to make, but also retains the full flavour and aroma of the fruit. The plums do not lose their shape, making the compote not only tasty but also beautiful in jars. Additionally, by piercing the plums, the syrup can more easily penetrate the inside of the fruit, enhancing its flavour and aroma.

Additional tips:

  • Experiment with spices: you can add various spices to the compote, such as vanilla, anise, or cloves, to give it extra aroma.
  • Sugar alternatives: if you want to reduce sugar, you can use honey, maple syrup, or another sweetener. Remember, however, that these may slightly alter the compote's character.
  • Storage: plum compote can be stored for several months in a cool, dark place. It is perfect as an addition to desserts and drinks, as well as a standalone beverage.

Plum compote – the taste of summer sealed in jars

Plum compote is a traditional Polish way to preserve the flavours of summer for the winter days. Thanks to the simple trick of piercing the plums, preparing this delicious drink is easy and quick. It's an excellent way to make stocks for the winter, which will not only remind us of the warm months but also boost our energy and improve our mood on colder days.

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