NewsRussian soldiers' plea: Desperate call for evacuation in Ukraine

Russian soldiers' plea: Desperate call for evacuation in Ukraine

A Soldiers' Appeal to Putin
A Soldiers' Appeal to Putin
Images source: © PAP, Telegram
ed. TWA

8 July 2024 10:08

Russian soldiers have posted an appeal to Vladimir Putin on social media. They demand immediate action and permission to evacuate from the battlefield. They claim to be the survivors of the 506th regiment, which has been decimated.

A video featuring masked soldiers who identify themselves as the "remnants of the 506th regiment" was posted on Russian social media. The soldiers complain about their command, which they say has been deceiving them from the start.

The soldiers state that they were assured their tasks would be simple and that they would encounter virtually no resistance from the Ukrainians during their execution. However, it turned out to be quite the opposite, and their unit has been decimated.

- We were told that no one was there, that there were no Ukrainians. As it turned out, the village was entirely of them. We were deceived; simply put, we were sent in as cannon fodder - said one of the soldiers.

- We entered, they surrounded us, and completely defeated everyone. We need medical help (...). There are a lot of dead bodies lying there for six months - he thundered.

The soldier also accused their commanders of making poor decisions that led to the unit's disaster.

Appeal to Putin

- There are only 50 of us left. And we don't know what to do. Now, they are sending us back against artillery. We are completely powerless. Despite being promised, there is no artillery support on our side - the soldier stated in the recording.

The soldier then appealed to Vladimir Putin, asking for permission to withdraw the regiment's remnants from frontline positions. The soldier also mentioned that their commanders had already decided to disband the unit due to mutinies and the remaining soldiers' refusal to follow orders.

- They will simply reset us to zero. So that no one knows anything - he added.