NewsGreenpeace USA faces $300 million lawsuit from energy giant

Greenpeace USA faces $300 million lawsuit from energy giant

Greenpeace Problems
Greenpeace Problems
Images source: © Canva | Canva
Jakub Tyszkowski

13 September 2024 17:02

The American branch of Greenpeace is facing a major crisis. The reason is a lawsuit filed against the organization by Energy Transfer Partners. The company demands $300 million in damages from climate activists.

Greenpeace's mission since its founding in 1971 has been to fight for the environment. Over decades, this non-governmental organization has grown to such a large size that it has local offices in over 55 countries. Wherever there is a risk that nature will suffer, Greenpeace activists appear. It was similar in 2016, when activists gathered in North Dakota at the construction site of Energy Transfer.

This company is owned by Kelcy Warren. He is an American businessman and billionaire, a leader in the oil industry in the USA. His company carried out the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. This pipeline connects North Dakota with the Gulf of Mexico, crossing the entire United States, and its value was estimated at $3.8 billion. Such a gigantic investment met with opposition from environmental organizations and Indigenous people of North America.

Greenpeace USA in crisis

The main argument against the pipeline's construction was the consequences of a possible oil spill. Such a catastrophe could poison the Missouri, which along with the Mississippi forms the longest river in North America, with a length of approximately 5,973 kilometres. The Indigenous tribes and environmental organizations, including Greenpeace, opposed the construction. The tribes feared water poisoning and the contamination of their sacred land. The hottest period of the protests was in September 2016. During the demonstrations, there were clashes with the police and security. Several thousand people participated in the riots, around 700 of whom were detained.

The Barack Obama administration halted the pipeline's construction. Work resumed at the beginning of Donald Trump's presidency. The pipeline has been operational since June 2017, and the president of Energy Transfer Partners became known for generously supporting the election campaign of the Republican candidate. According to Politico, the billionaire donated about $5 million to Trump's campaign.

$300 million keeps Greenpeace awake at night

Warren wants to take revenge on the activists for the protests of 2016. He demands $300 million in compensation from Greenpeace. He claims that the demonstrations delayed the pipeline's creation and exposed the company to multimillion-dollar losses. The American branch of Greenpeace is preparing for the worst-case scenario, including bankruptcy. Mediation is ongoing regarding a settlement between the conflicting parties.

Greenpeace calls the process "groundless," adding that it is "an attack on freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest." Meanwhile, Energy Transfer responds that it supports Americans' right to legally protest and voice their opinions. "However, when it happens unlawfully, one has to fight for justice," explains the company.

A win for the oil baron could spell disaster for the American branch of Greenpeace, but it will not destroy structures worldwide. The main body of the organization in the Netherlands does not own Greenpeace's assets in the USA.

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