LifestyleWinning the war on wardrobe woes: Lavender's surprising power

Winning the war on wardrobe woes: Lavender's surprising power

Effective way to combat moths
Effective way to combat moths
Images source: © Adobe Stock, own sources

9 May 2024 15:13

Moths can be a nuisance, often unnoticed until the damage is already done - like finding holes in your favourite clothes. Yet, there's a brilliantly simple way to get rid of them.

Clothing moths are persistent pests that wreak havoc in closets and wardrobes. They feast not on food but on natural fabrics like wool, silk, cotton, and linen. Damaged clothes, carpets, or bedding usually mark their presence.

How to effectively combat moths

Fighting clothing moths can seem like a never-ending battle as these tenacious pests often return to their familiar feeding grounds. Missing even a few larvae can mean the whole process begins anew. Thankfully, various effective methods exist for eradicating a moth infestation and keeping them at bay, notably using natural insect repellents such as dried lavender, cedar, sage, or cloves.

Create your own "mothballs" in no time

While commercial moth treatments are readily available, making your own at home is a budget-friendly alternative. You’ll need aluminium foil and dried herbs - specifically lavender and mint.

Cut the aluminium foil into smaller, square pieces (around 10x10 cm each should suffice), preparing at least ten of these. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of lavender and 1 teaspoon of dried mint onto each square. These herbs are easily sourced from stores, though growing them yourself at home, such as on a balcony or windowsill, is also an option. They're quite handy to have around the house.

Fold the squares to ensure the herbs stay secure inside (securing the edges is a good idea), and poke 10 tiny holes with a toothpick to let the scent waft through gradually. Place these homemade "mothballs" in all the places moths frequent, like closets and drawers.

Using lavender against moths: An effective, low-cost strategy

Lavender is the star of this homemade remedy, thanks to its moth-repelling scent. This simple plant can keep your closets moth-free. However, if moths do appear, it’s crucial to clean thoroughly: inspect clothes and declutter closets.

For best results, clean the closet interiors with a mixture of vinegar, water, and lavender oil. Once everything is spotless and free of pests, distribute your scented homemade "mothballs" strategically to prevent future infestations. This method is truly effective!

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