NewsWar in Ukraine drives artillery shell prices to new highs

War in Ukraine drives artillery shell prices to new highs

A Ukrainian artilleryman holding an M549A1 shell.
A Ukrainian artilleryman holding an M549A1 shell.
Images source: © X | Ukraine Weapons Tracker
Przemysław Ciszak

2 July 2024 14:37

Artillery shells have become a key weapon in the war in Ukraine. Putin's invasion has shifted the defence industry onto a different track and drastically increased prices. Today, A single shell costs as much as an older car, calculating the Slovak daily Aktuality.

The Russian war machine has imposed a gruelling production pace for weapons, particularly the crucial shells on the front lines in Ukraine. The war has substantially increased their production costs, writes the Slovak daily "Aktuality."

In March, the EU launched a program to increase ammunition production capacity to 2 million shells annually by the end of 2025. It allocated 500 million euros for this purpose. However, according to the Slovak Daily, to effectively support Ukraine and its Western allies and break the invaders' offensive, they will need to spend an additional 800 million euros.

The prices of all types of ammunition have increased. One shell can cost as much as an older car, emphasizing "Aktuality." The price of an 82 mm mortar shell has increased from 70 euros to around 70 CAD to 450 euros, approximately 660 CAD. The cost of a 152 mm artillery shell, also used by Russian armed forces, increased from 1200 euros (about 1755 CAD) to 5700 euros (around 8350 CAD), and 122 mm tank ammunition from 5991 euros (approximately 8755 CAD) to 7400 euros (about 10815 CAD). Missiles for the Grad launcher have risen from 900 euros (around 1315 CAD) to 6000 euros (about 8775 CAD), calculated daily.

Calculations by Bain & Company indicate that the cost of producing artillery shells incurred by the West is four times higher than in Russia.

Ukraine's minimum requirement is one million shells of 155 mm calibre annually and another million of other calibres: 105 mm or Russian 122 mm and 152 mm, estimated an analyst with the security and defence team at the Centre for Eastern Studies.

For two years of the war, the West has helped to meet these minimum needs. If Ukraine is to take the initiative, launch an offensive, and reclaim territory, it must build reserves, and these needs will double or even triple, states the analyst.