FoodPickled garlic: Natural antibiotic and delicious pantry staple

Pickled garlic: Natural antibiotic and delicious pantry staple

Sister Anastazja's Pickled Garlic Recipe
Sister Anastazja's Pickled Garlic Recipe
Images source: © Canva | Jakob Berg

22 August 2024 08:14

It tastes out of this world, is easy to prepare, and has many health benefits. Garlic has long been known as a natural antibiotic, and in its pickled form, it has become a great ingredient for dishes and snacks.

During the fall and winter seasons, we are particularly susceptible to infections. It is worth taking care of strengthening the immune system, and the best prevention will be the use of natural remedies that positively affect immunity. In the case of garlic, it has been scientifically proven to have effects similar to antibiotics. Therefore, it's worth reaching for it often, and in the version proposed by Sister Anastasia, it tastes so good that you can eat it by the handful.

Pickled garlic is a natural antibiotic. What are its properties?

The properties of pickled garlic are countless, but its immune-boosting effect is worth highlighting, especially during the season of infections. Additionally, it facilitates the expulsion of phlegm, warms the body, and enhances sweating. It is worth mentioning that garlic acts similarly to antibiotics, which has been scientifically proven. The properties of this vegetable are compared to penicillin, erythromycin, or tetracycline.

Pickled garlic has a milder taste than raw garlic, so it is useful if the intense garlic flavour bothers you. Additionally, it is pleasantly crunchy and very tasty. You can literally eat it straight from the jar. You can also add it to sandwiches, salads, casseroles, soups, meats, sauces, and roasted vegetables. So, it's worth having a few jars of this specialty in your pantry. Sister Anastasia shared the recipe for pickled garlic.

Pickled garlic
Pickled garlic© Canva | Jiri Hera

Pickled garlic: Sister Anastasia’s recipe


  • 4 bay leaves
  • 500 mL (2 cups) of water
  • Several heads of garlic
  • Allspice
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 500 mL (2 cups) of vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds
  • 60 mL (4 tablespoons) of sugar
  • Peppercorns


  1. Divide the garlic into cloves and peel them.
  2. Mix water, vinegar, salt, sugar, bay leaves, and mustard seeds in a pot, and boil.
  3. Put allspice and peppercorns in jars, then add garlic and pour the brine over everything.
  4. Screw the jars closed and pasteurize in hot water for 10 minutes.
  5. Put the ready jars upside down to cool for 24 hours.
  6. Store in a dark and cool place.
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