NewsOvernight unrest in Yerevan, NATO arms coordination, Zelensky in Saudi Arabia

Overnight unrest in Yerevan, NATO arms coordination, Zelensky in Saudi Arabia

Clashes in Armenia
Clashes in Armenia
Images source: © East News
Katarzyna Bogdańska

13 June 2024 06:01

It happened while you were sleeping. Here's what global agencies reported overnight from Wednesday to Thursday.

  • Dozens of people were injured during an anti-government protest in the Armenian capital, Yerevan - reported the AFP agency. At least 60 people were detained. The demonstrators demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who is blamed for making too many concessions to Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. According to the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a few thousand people gathered in front of the parliament building in the capital. At one point, chaotic events occurred – demonstrators tried to breach the police cordon, which used, among other things, stun grenades. The injured were taken to hospitals by ambulances.
  • NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the alliance will take over the coordination of arms deliveries to Ukraine - announced NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. A two-day meeting of Alliance defence ministers will begin in Brussels on Thursday.
  • The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, made a surprise visit to Saudi Arabia. He met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on location.
  • The International Space Station (ISS) orbiting Earth has long ceased attracting widespread interest. It is followed by only a handful of enthusiasts who observe the live transmission. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, they alerted on their forum that something "odd and disturbing" was happening on the ISS.
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