FoodOatmeal water: The natural elixir gaining traction for health benefits

Oatmeal water: The natural elixir gaining traction for health benefits

What is oat water?
What is oat water?
Images source: © Canva | nadianb

6 August 2024 09:31

A lot has already been written and said about oatmeal. Those who care about healthy eating praise breakfasts based on oatmeal, assuring that it provides energy and satisfies the appetite. However, oatmeal can be consumed in forms other than just porridge. Increasingly, oatmeal water is being made from it.

Oatmeal water is nothing more than a drink made from oatmeal and water. It’s a treat for oatmeal fans and anyone dealing with the problem of constipation. Oatmeal water has become particularly popular when Ozempic, a drug used in people with type 2 diabetes, was constantly in the spotlight. According to many people, the effects of a drink based on oatmeal water with added lime are close to those of real Ozempic.

What is oatmeal water? Why is it worth consuming?

Oatmeal water is a fibre-rich drink that is extremely beneficial for the functioning of the digestive tract because it stimulates saliva production and binds excess stomach acids. Fibre helps prevent constipation and provides a feeling of fullness for a longer time. Moreover, insoluble fibre acts as a natural detoxifier, cleansing the body of unnecessary metabolic byproducts and harmful toxins.

Oatmeal water is not only an excellent source of fibre. It also contains a set of B vitamins, phosphorus, and iron. It is also a source of essential amino acids, substances that we cannot synthesize ourselves. Oatmeal water is especially recommended for people struggling with diabetes. It contains slowly burned carbohydrates that help control blood glucose levels. Regular consumption of oatmeal water may also lower blood cholesterol levels.

How is oatmeal water made? There are several ways to prepare it. Most often, oatmeal is soaked in water and left overnight. After this time, the mixture should be blended and flavoured to taste, for example, with cinnamon or vanilla. Oatmeal water is best consumed on an empty stomach, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and supports metabolism. Nonetheless, it can also be sipped throughout the day. However, it is important to remember that increasing the amount of fibre in the diet should also increase water intake.

Oatzempic, the natural Ozempic. How does it work?

Oatzempic is a drink made from oatmeal water and lime juice. Its effects are compared to those of Ozempic. Let’s recall that Ozempic is used to treat type 2 diabetes. The active ingredient in the drug is glucagon-like peptides, which are increasingly being discussed in the context of treating obesity. Glucagon-like peptides help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin and decreasing glucagon secretion, resulting in significant appetite suppression.

What are the properties of oat water?
What are the properties of oat water?© Canva | YelenaYemchuk

Given the limited availability and high prices of medications like Ozempic or Wegovy, more patients struggling with obesity are starting to search for natural alternatives that can help them combat excessive weight. One of these alternatives turns out to be Oatzempic. So, how does the mixture of oatmeal water and lime juice affect the body?

Oatmeal is known for its beneficial properties. It is rich in fibre, which positively impacts the feeling of fullness, regulates the digestive system, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Like any acidic citrus fruit, Lime has a low glycemic index, can slow the absorption of sugars from food, and supports fat metabolism. However, experts emphasize that this drink does not have the same mechanism of action as Ozempic. Therefore, it can become a part of a balanced diet rather than a magic bullet for weight loss.

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