FoodOat pancakes: A delicious twist on a classic breakfast staple

Oat pancakes: A delicious twist on a classic breakfast staple

They can't imagine breakfast without these pancakes now.
They can't imagine breakfast without these pancakes now.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Picasa

26 August 2024 20:51

Tired of boring oatmeal for breakfast? We have a great alternative for you – delicious and nutritious oat pancakes! This dish is not only quick and easy to prepare but also a real vitamin and mineral bomb.

Oatmeal is one of those classic breakfasts associated with simplicity, health, and a filling portion of energy to start the day. Although oats are extremely healthy, sometimes the daily routine can make even the best dish less appealing – especially for children. If you are looking for a way to refresh the breakfast menu and introduce something new, oat pancakes might be the perfect solution. It’s a great alternative to oatmeal that your kids will love from the first bite.

Oat pancakes - a healthy alternative to classic oatmeal

Oats, which are the base of classic oatmeal, are a true powerhouse of nutrients. They are a whole grain product, which means they provide a lot of fibre, B vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc. They are also an excellent source of complex carbohydrates that slowly release energy, providing long-lasting satiety and energy throughout the morning.

However, not everyone is enthused about a daily serving of oatmeal, especially children. That's why it's worth experimenting and replacing oatmeal with tasty oat pancakes. They are easy to prepare, and the result is surprisingly delicious. These pancakes are soft, filling, and a great way to sneak healthy ingredients into a more appetizing form.

Recipe for delicious oat pancakes\


  • 250 mL of oats
  • 250 mL of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 10 mL of honey or sugar
  • 5 mL of baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • oil for frying


  1. Pour milk over the oats and let them sit for 10-15 minutes to swell.
  2. Add the egg, honey, salt, and baking powder to the swollen oats. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Heat the pan with the oil. Place portions of the batter on the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides.

How to serve oat pancakes?

Oat pancakes make an excellent breakfast, but they can also be served as a snack or dessert. They taste great with:

  • Natural yogurt: Combine the pancakes with your favourite yogurt and fresh fruits.
  • Maple syrup: For sweetness, you can drizzle the pancakes with maple syrup.
  • Peanut butter: The combination of the sweetness of bananas and the saltiness of peanut butter is a real treat for the taste buds.
  • Jam: A classic combination that always works.

Oat pancakes are a healthy and delicious alternative to traditional breakfasts. They are easy to prepare, and thanks to a variety of toppings, they never get boring. Try this recipe and see for yourself how tasty it can be!

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