FoodMaster the art of basil: tips for a thriving indoor herb garden

Master the art of basil: tips for a thriving indoor herb garden

Flower pots
Flower pots
Images source: © Pixabay | tookapic

18 May 2024 18:47

Aromatic basil is a must-have finishing touch for many Italian dishes. It can also serve as a base for pesto, an addition to salads, or an ingredient in refreshing lemonade. A simple trick will make it grow lush and green.

Basil in a pot can be found in nearly every supermarket. However, many people give up buying it because it can be temperamental and easily withers or browns, which frustrates many of its owners. However, you can extend its life and make your supermarket find more than a one-time buy.

Basil in a pot - how to care for it?

The best solution is to plant basil in the garden, but not everyone has that opportunity. Store-bought basil has many advantages, primarily because it is ready for use. However, it's important to remember that such a plant has a shorter lifespan and requires proper care to enjoy it longer.

The first thing you should do after buying basil is to transplant it into a larger pot with well-draining soil. Use garden soil mixed with compost or perlite. You can also easily use universal soil. Basil loves the sun and warmth. Place the pot in a bright location, preferably on a south-facing window, and avoid drafts. A lack of light can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

If you place a pot with basil on the windowsill, flies won't enter the house through the open window.
If you place a pot with basil on the windowsill, flies won't enter the house through the open window.© Adobe Stock

How often to water basil?

Basil requires regular watering but should not be overwatered. Water it in the morning when the soil is dry to the touch. When the flowers fade, remove them immediately. This will stimulate the plant to continue growing.

Basil needs regular pruning to bush out. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of picking individual leaves along the entire length of the stems.

Basil - Delicacies
Basil - Delicacies© Getty Images | Madeleine_Steinbach

How to properly pick basil leaves:

  • Pinch or cut the leaves from the tops of the stems.
  • Always leave a few leaves at the base of the basil so the plant can continue photosynthesis.

Regular leaf picking stimulates the growth of new shoots and makes the basil more expansive.