LifestyleHow to banish garden ants without breaking the bank

How to banish garden ants without breaking the bank

Homeowners with gardens often battle ant invasions in the summer / illustrative photo
Homeowners with gardens often battle ant invasions in the summer / illustrative photo
Images source: © Getty Images | Alessio_78
Aleksandra Lewandowska

14 July 2024 17:27

Homeowners with gardens often battle ant invasions during the summer. However, several proven methods to get rid of them are available. Some cost mere pennies, and one is completely free.

Ants can be both friends and foes to homeowners with gardens. Although they are largely beneficial insects to the environment, they can also cause significant damage. Digesting tunnels in the ground causes them to dry out. Additionally, they destroy roots and flower buds. An invasion of these tiny creatures can cause considerable problems. Wondering how to prevent this? Here are some simple tips.

How to effectively get rid of ants?

Many proven methods can help you permanently remove ants from your garden. Of course, you can use special products available in stores. However, you don't have to. We have a few tricks for you that are effective and extremely cheap. One of them is entirely free.

To effectively eliminate ants from your garden, it's best to go to the source of the problem. Therefore, once you find their nest, pour boiling water over it. You can repeat this process multiple times—until you notice they have disappeared.

Effective and cheap methods to get rid of ants

If you have at least a little dish soap and oil at home, you can handle ants without problems. This method is truly reliable in fighting insects. Mix half a teaspoon of dish soap with a tablespoon of oil and a litre of water. Then, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle.

To get rid of ants, spray the prepared solution on them. Once you've done that, pour the rest of the mixture into their nest. The mixture will cause the ants to suffocate quickly.

The last but equally effective trick for getting rid of ants is to use white vinegar. If you have it in your kitchen cabinets, you can use it quickly. Pour a small amount of white vinegar directly into the ant nest. This will kill them at the source.

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