EntertainmentHollywood injuries: Halle Berry's battle scars in action films

Hollywood injuries: Halle Berry's battle scars in action films

Halle Berry
Halle Berry
Images source: © Press materials
Karolina Grabińska

13 August 2024 11:56

Fame, money, and travel - that's how we usually think about the work of the most famous Hollywood actors. There's also another side to the coin, which is talked about much less frequently. Halle Berry revealed in one of her recent interviews how much effort and injuries it costs her to shoot action films. The details are enough to give you goosebumps.

- Broken hand, ribs broken twice - once two ribs, another time three. Broken tailbone, two broken toes, and a broken middle finger - Halle Berry lists the injuries she's sustained over the years without hesitation.

There have been plenty of opportunities for breaks on the sets of action films such as "X-Men," "Catwoman," and "Die Another Day."

The actress is currently promoting the film "Union" with Mark Wahlberg, in which she was knocked out three times on set. Her co-star did not fare much better and admitted he also had some tough moments during filming. He confessed to a torn meniscus, a dislocated shoulder and "a repeatedly hurt ego."

The film Union, which will premiere on August 16th at 7:00 AM Eastern Time on Netflix, tells the story of a construction worker whose former love recruits him as a spy. The couple faces spy intrigue and plenty of adventures.

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