FoodCrafting the perfect herbal brew: Expert tips for optimal health

Crafting the perfect herbal brew: Expert tips for optimal health

Properly selected and prepared by best practices, herbs can significantly support the health of the body. Preparing a healthy infusion usually involves pouring hot water over fresh or dried herbs and letting them steep for a few minutes. However, the details, subtleties, and nuances are important.

How to brew herbs?
How to brew herbs?
Images source: © Canva | Traci L Smith's Images

At the very beginning, you should pay attention to the type of raw material you are dealing with. In the case of bark, bulbs, stems, or roots, it may be necessary to prepare a decoction or infusion, which involves cooking the plants. On the other hand, if we are talking about small seeds, flowers, or leaves, simply pouring hot water over the raw material and waiting for it to steep is usually sufficient. However, to extract the full potential of the herbs, a few details should be considered.

How to properly brew herbs?

Firstly, the water in which the herbs will be immersed should be low-mineralized and soft. If you have hard water, consider using a filter jug. A good way to "soften" the water is to add a few drops of lemon. Why is this so important? In soft water, compounds from the herbs dissolve better.

Secondly, herbs should be brewed in glass, porcelain, enamel, or stainless-steel vessels. Avoid copper and aluminium, as they may react with the infusion, changing its properties. Remember also to brew the raw material under a cover (this way valuable compounds will not evaporate with the steam).

How to brew herbs?
How to brew herbs?© Canva | JanPietruszka

Brewing herbs: Pay special attention to this

The temperature of brewing herbs is particularly important. It should be adjusted to the raw material you are dealing with. Generally, water that has not been brought to a boil, around 90–95°C, is recommended because it allows the extraction of valuable compounds from the herbs without destroying their properties. Similarly, the brewing time varies: gentler herbs need 5–7 minutes, more intense ones 10–15 minutes.

Herbs with a low brewing temperature include, for example, chamomile or lemon balm. It is best to pour water over them at a temperature of 85–90°C. Mint, sage, or horsetail, generally most medicinal herbs, require a temperature of 90–95°C. Higher temperatures are better for herbs with strong properties, such as ginger or rosemary.

After brewing, the herbs should be strained. It is not worth over-steeping them. Firstly, it may adversely affect the taste and properties of the infusion, and secondly, over-steeped herbs cannot be brewed again. Importantly, herbs, like any other product, have specific recommendations regarding preparation and usage, as well as contraindications that should be followed.