FoodBeyond cod and salmon: Why rainbow trout deserves a spot on your plate

Beyond cod and salmon: Why rainbow trout deserves a spot on your plate

Rainbow trout is an alternative to salmon.
Rainbow trout is an alternative to salmon.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | HLPHOTO

12 May 2024 13:06

Not just cod and salmon: Here's the fish that should become a staple in your diet. It's readily available and packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamins.

Fish play a crucial role in a well-rounded diet. They are packed with beneficial nutrients, including protein, which aids in muscle building and recovery, and omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain, heart, and joint health.

Fish in the diet

Adding fish to our diet and eating them regularly benefits heart health, helps regulate blood pressure, and lowers the risk of heart diseases. It can also enhance the look of our skin and hair and bolster memory and concentration.

Fish are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, B12, iodine, selenium, and potassium. Vitamin D boosts immunity and is vital for healthy bones, while vitamin B12 supports the nervous system's proper function.

Tastes like salmon: Keep an eye out for rainbow trout at the store

We should aim to eat fish at least twice a week. Often, we opt for cod or salmon, but it's worthwhile to consider rainbow trout, which is as rich in omega-3 fatty acids as salmon and has a similar delicate taste. Plus, rainbow trout is generally more affordable.

Available in most supermarkets, often at a discount, rainbow trout is also low in calories, making it an excellent choice for those on a diet. You can steam it for a healthy preparation.

It's delicious, baked in the oven or grilled. Season it with your favourite spice blend before cooking. Along with salt and pepper, thyme and garlic add great flavour. Rainbow trout is ideally served with a splash of lemon juice.

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