FoodHaddock: The nutrient-rich fish poised to become a household staple

Haddock: The nutrient-rich fish poised to become a household staple

It's even healthier and tastier than cod, and cheaper. Many of us don't even know its name.
It's even healthier and tastier than cod, and cheaper. Many of us don't even know its name.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

28 May 2024 13:27

Are you looking for a healthy and tasty fish that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals yet won't ruin your budget? Meet haddock, a fish that has a chance to become the next hit on your table.

Haddock, a fish with exceptional taste and health benefits, may gain popularity in Canadian cuisine. Although it is not widely known, its nutritional value and low-calorie content make it a worthy addition to our meals. Let's look at this unique fish species, an excellent cod alternative.

Haddock - a healthy and low-calorie alternative

Haddock, also known as silver hake, is a member of the cod family. Its meat is more delicate than cod's, making it more appealing to many food enthusiasts. Haddock is low in calories—100 grams of this fish is only about 90 kcal. Additionally, it is rich in protein, providing as much as 20 grams per 100-gram serving.

This fish is also a treasure trove of minerals and vitamins. It contains large amounts of potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins B12, B6, A, and D. As a result, regular consumption of haddock offers numerous health benefits. It supports cardiovascular function, enhances immunity, and aids the endocrine system.

Haddock in the diet of athletes and weight-conscious individuals

Haddock is especially recommended for physically active people who want to lose weight. It provides valuable protein, which is a crucial building block for muscles. Moreover, this protein is digested more slowly than other nutrients, helping you stay full longer and preventing snacking between meals. Due to its low-calorie content, haddock is an excellent choice for those watching their figure.

Ways to prepare haddock

Haddock can be prepared in various ways. It is a versatile fish that tastes great fried, baked, or stewed. Its delicate meat pairs perfectly with lemon or lime, enhancing the fish's natural flavour.

Frying: Haddock can be quickly fried in a pan with olive oil, adding your favourite spices, such as salt and pepper, and fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary.

Baking: Baking haddock in the oven is a great way to preserve nutritional value. Season the fish with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, then bake for about 20 minutes at 177 degrees Celsius.

Stewing: Stewed haddock with vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, garlic, and bell peppers is a healthy and tasty dinner option. Stew the fish over low heat for 15-20 minutes until tender and fragrant.

Haddock is an excellent alternative to popular fish like cod or salmon. It is healthier, tastier, and more affordable. It's worth incorporating it into your diet and discovering its unique flavour.

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