FoodWatermelon sandwiches: The surprising summer snack sensation

Watermelon sandwiches: The surprising summer snack sensation

Watermelon sandwiches
Watermelon sandwiches
Images source: © Delights

3 August 2024 18:31

Sandwiches are primarily associated with rolls and bread. However, gastronomic enthusiasts are not lacking, and this is actually a good thing because they allow us to discover combinations we never even dreamed of. The watermelon sandwich is a snack that has taken over the internet, garnering millions of views. How should it be properly prepared, and was it worth the craze?

A watermelon sandwich sounds unusual, but it can taste really good combined with the right ingredients. After all, salads with watermelon and feta have been known for a while, and some turn this fruit into steaks. Recently, another unusual version of watermelon has appeared—delicious sandwiches. Italian-style toppings make this combination definitely tasty.

How to buy a ripe watermelon?

First of all, pay attention to the colour of the skin – it should be light green with characteristic yellowish spots, indicating long exposure to the sun during cultivation. Also, tap on the skin. A deep, thumping sound is a sign of a ripe watermelon. If you don't hear such a sound when tapping, the fruit is likely not juicy and full of flesh. The weight also matters—a small and heavy one will be better than a large and lighter one.

The viral watermelon sandwich

The refreshing watermelon sandwich is great as a light snack on a hot day or as a surprising appetizer for a party. It looks like club sandwiches, but in taste, it is obviously closer to salads. Sweet watermelon pairs excellently with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, and lettuce, while balsamic vinegar enhances the flavour.


  • 1 watermelon
  • 1 mozzarella
  • 2 cherry tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh basil
  • Balsamic vinegar for drizzling
  • 2 lettuce leaves


Step 1. Cut the watermelon into long slices and carve out squares.

Step 2. Place lettuce leaves and sliced mozzarella on a piece of watermelon. Season with salt and pepper. Add sliced cherry tomatoes and basil leaves, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar or balsamic cream.

Watermelon© Delicacies

Step 3. Cover with a second piece of watermelon and divide into two triangular sandwiches. Secure with long toothpicks. Enjoy!

Watermelon sandwich
Watermelon sandwich© Delicacies
Watermelon sandwiches
Watermelon sandwiches© Delicacies
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