FoodUncovering the hidden pitfalls: Why you're always hungry despite dieting

Uncovering the hidden pitfalls: Why you're always hungry despite dieting

Feeling hungry all the time? Dietitian lists potential causes
Feeling hungry all the time? Dietitian lists potential causes
Images source: © Canva | Latino Life

21 June 2024 11:18

Persistent hunger can be challenging for anyone trying to lose weight. But why is it so notorious? It might be due to a simple mistake in the set diet. Recently, a psycho-dietitian highlighted some potential errors worth noting.

The weight loss process can be complex. On one hand, the concept seems straightforward: maintain a calorie deficit. On the other hand, reality often doesn't follow resolutions, and the body's demand for its needs can be pretty forceful.

For some people, hunger is more intense than for others. Why do they constantly feel the need to eat? Why does the stomach continuously demand more? Marta Skoczeń, a dietitian and psycho-dietitian, sheds light on this issue by listing 13 of the most common causes of constant hunger. Perhaps one of them applies to you. It's worth checking them out!

The dietitian on the causes of persistent hunger

According to Marta Skoczeń, the causes of constant hunger include:

  1. Too little protein in the diet. Skoczeń writes that protein helps control appetite and reduce body weight. She recommends spreading the daily protein requirement across all meals in portions of around 30 grams each.
  2. Too few vegetables. Vegetables are more than just sources of vitamins and minerals; they provide dietary fibre, contributing to a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  3. Too little fat. Surprised? The psycho-dietitian notes that people trying to lose weight often eliminate fat from their diet, but fat slows down the digestion of foods. Moderation is key.
  4. Too little water. So simple yet so important. Drinking 2 litres of water daily can be beneficial. The dietitian put it this way: you won't get full-on water, but you'll become hungry more quickly if you don't drink enough.
  5. Too few calories. Weight loss is often associated with exercise and movement. However, consuming low-calorie meals can increase snacking and hunger in the long run.

In addition, the dietitian mentioned other potential causes of persistent hunger, such as a monotonous diet, lack of focus during meals, poor sleep quality, hormonal imbalances, lack of rest, and psychological factors — for example, stress or anxiety.

Constant hunger? There could be many reasons.
Constant hunger? There could be many reasons.© Canva | g-stockstudio
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