NewsUkrainian fishermen fend off a Russian drone with a fish toss

Ukrainian fishermen fend off a Russian drone with a fish toss

The Russians spied on them. The fishermen got furious.
The Russians spied on them. The fishermen got furious.
Images source: © TG
Mateusz Czmiel

12 July 2024 15:34

A Russian reconnaissance drone stalked a boat of Ukrainian fishermen near Kherson. Clearly annoyed by this, the men decided to act. They took a fish they had previously caught and decided to knock down the spy.

The footage of the incident was published on Telegram channels affiliated with the Ukrainian military and quickly spread across the internet.

They threw a fish at the drone

"Sometimes it happens. Kherson fishermen delivered a bream to the Russian drone that decided to observe their boat. The fish throw was accurate, but the quadcopter stayed in the air. The story with the jar of pickles is no longer so amazing," commented Yuriy Butusov, the editor-in-chief of the Censor.Net portal.

Butusov recalled a story from the beginning of the large-scale war with Russia. In 2022, one Ukrainian woman, Mrs. Olena, knocked down a Russian drone with a jar of tomatoes. For a long time, the story lived its own life online. The jar was said to contain either tomatoes or pickles. Everything changed when a journalist from the Liga.NET portal found Mrs. Olena, who worked in a grocery store in Kyiv.

Jars at drones, tank theft. stories from the front

Mrs. Olena said that on that day, she heard the characteristic buzzing of a drone while sitting on her balcony. She emphasized that she had never seen such equipment before and was scared it might start shooting at her. Instinctively, she grabbed something she could defend herself with. It happened to be a 1-litre jar of homemade preserves for the winter.

— "They were pickled tomatoes with plums. My favourite. A 1-litre jar," explained Mrs. Olena. After she knocked down the equipment, she and her husband stomped on its remains and threw it in the trash.

At the beginning of the war, there was also another loud story. Ukrainian television TV24 reported that in a village near Kherson in the south of the country, Roma people stole a tank from the Russian troops. The channel emphasized that the information came directly from local residents.

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