NewsTrump vows to cut taxes, boost jobs, and redirect climate funds

Trump vows to cut taxes, boost jobs, and redirect climate funds

Trump's speech lasted 93 minutes and is currently the longest nomination speech of any party in history.
Trump's speech lasted 93 minutes and is currently the longest nomination speech of any party in history.
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/JUSTIN LANE
Przemysław Ciszak

19 July 2024 11:23

- Our so-called allies have been exploiting us for a long time. I will stop this - said Donald Trump in his nomination speech. He promised to cut taxes and bring back factory jobs. He intends to redirect funds from the climate fund to construct roads, bridges, and dams.

- Our so-called allies have been exploiting us for a long time - thundered Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, during his nomination speech. He outlined his vision of the economy and international relations in the ninety-three-minute speech, which will go down as the longest nomination speech by any party in history.

"I will stop this"

- Other countries have been exploiting us for a long time. Think about it, often these other countries are considered our so-called allies. They have been exploiting us for years; we are losing jobs, we are losing income, and they are gaining everything and rinsing our businesses and our people - said Trump. - I stopped this for four years (...) And I will stop it again.

He also promised to cut taxes and bring back factory jobs.

In his speech, Trump referred to redirecting the remaining funds from Biden's flagship climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act - notes Bloomberg.

- Trump said all the trillions of dollars that have not yet been spent, we will redirect to essential projects, such as roads, bridges, dams. - And we will redirect this money without spending it on senseless green ideas for fraud.

Furthermore, Trump emphasized that he would also end the "obligation to use electric vehicles" on the first day of his administration.

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