NewsTrump praises Orbán, vows to end global conflicts if re-elected

Trump praises Orbán, vows to end global conflicts if re‑elected

Viktor Orban said that Russia was afraid of me - said Donald Trump
Viktor Orban said that Russia was afraid of me - said Donald Trump
Images source: © Getty Images | Joe Raedle
Przemysław Ciszak

19 July 2024 10:03

Viktor Orbán said that Russia was afraid of me, China was afraid of me, everyone was afraid of me, and that’s why the whole world lived in peace, said Republican candidate Donald Trump during the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee. Trump praised the Hungarian prime minister as a tough leader.

Donald Trump also praised the Hungarian prime minister as a strong leader whom "the press doesn’t like because he’s tough."

"Viktor Orbán said it: There’s only one way you can solve it. You’ve got to bring President Trump back. Russia was afraid of him. China was afraid of him. The whole world was at peace," said Trump.

He added that while Russia invaded Georgia during George Bush’s presidency, Crimea during Barack Obama’s presidency, and the rest of Ukraine under Biden, "Russia took nothing" when he was president.

Call with Volodymyr Zelensky

Trump will have a phone call on Friday at 10:00 AM ET with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, reported CNN on Thursday, citing informed sources. This will be the first conversation between the two politicians since Trump left the White House.

According to one of CNN’s sources, the timing of the call - which has been planned for some time - could still change.

Trump has repeatedly assured during the election campaign that he would bring the war in Ukraine to an end within a day, even before formally taking office. During a debate with Joe Biden, he called the Ukrainian president "the best salesperson in history," complaining about the cost of supporting Ukraine.

Zelensky, in an interview with Bloomberg, said Trump should reveal this plan to him so his country could be prepared for whether it would be abandoned by America. In a later conversation, however, he said he did not fear Trump’s presidency.

On Thursday, Rick Grenell, who is speculated to be the potential Secretary of State in a possible Donald Trump administration, said that the basis for ending the war could be utilizing ideas for creating autonomous regions in Ukraine, which were already included in the Minsk agreements in 2014 and 2015. Grenell, however, noted that he had not discussed this idea with the former president.

Our planet teeters on the brink of World War III

Our planet is teetering on the brink of World War III, this will be a war like never before, said Republican candidate Donald Trump during the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee. He promised to end all wars, including the war in Ukraine.

"Here is an international crisis the likes of which the world has seldom seen. War is now raging in Europe and the Middle East, a growing specter of conflict hangs over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, and all of Asia, and our planet is teetering on the edge of World War Three, and this will be a war like no other" said Trump.

"I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine and the war caused by the attack on Israel," he promised.

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