NewsTrump demands NATO allies boost defence spending to 3% of GDP

Trump demands NATO allies boost defence spending to 3% of GDP

Donald Trump spoke about his expectations for NATO member states
Donald Trump spoke about his expectations for NATO member states
Images source: © Getty Images | Emily Elconin
Justyna Lasota-Krawczyk

27 August 2024 06:02

Donald Trump announced what must happen for him to help NATO members in the event of a potential armed conflict. "I’ll insist that every NATO nation must spend at least 3 percent. You have to go up to 3 percent — 2 percent is the steal of the century, especially as we’re paying for it," declared the Republican candidate for President of the USA.

Trump claimed that for years, all NATO countries spent "far less" than 2 percent of GDP on their defence, which, according to him, left American forces "overstretched." "We were the ones making up the difference and paying for it to make up for shortfalls and help deter threats," Trump said during a speech to the National Guard Association in Detroit.

"I’ll insist that every NATO nation must spend at least 3 percent. You have to go up to 3 percent — 2 percent is the steal of the century, especially as we’re paying for it. You know, we pay for them. It’s just not even believable," added the former U.S. President, who is running for re-election.

Defence spending of allies

According to NATO data, only five member states spend more than 3 percent of GDP on defence: Poland, Estonia, the USA, Latvia, and Greece. Two-thirds of the countries meet the spending requirement at the 2 percent level.

Is Europe taking advantage of the USA?

During Monday's speech, Trump again accused European countries of taking advantage of the USA. According to him, this happens both in trade and in military relations. Trump also stated that Europe should be more interested in supporting Ukraine, and America supposedly pays CAD 200 billion more for this purpose (according to EU data, Europe collectively spends more).

Trump said that the US was losing hundreds of billions of dollars on the defence of Europe. He urged to even out.

The Republican candidate for President of the USA also stated that the American military "has no ammunition left," because it handed it out to various groups, mainly Ukraine. At the same time, he criticized the rulers for "stupidity."

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