EntertainmentThe numerical language of love: Finding your match through numerology

The numerical language of love: Finding your match through numerology

Here is what partner numerology is.
Here is what partner numerology is.
Images source: © Canva | Canva

22 September 2024 17:21

Numerology is a vast area of knowledge meant to help us understand ourselves and others. It can offer guidance on how to handle various difficult situations and how to choose the right partner. Use partner numerology to find the perfect match for yourself.

What is numerology?

Numerology is often considered a pseudoscience, so it is not taken seriously. Nowadays, we treat it as fun, a form of entertainment. But it wasn't always this way. In ancient times, this field of knowledge was highly significant. It was a valuable tool for directing actions, and rulers made key decisions based on it.

The Pythagoreans practiced the practice of isopsephy, which involves combining the numerical values of a word to obtain a single number. Pythagoras proclaimed that numbers are the essence of everything, and the number one symbolized reason. Seven, as the sum of four (representing the world) and three (divinity), symbolizes the universe, space, and creation. Five, as a combination of the "feminine" two and the "masculine" three, signified love and marriage. Ten was considered a symbol of perfection and completeness, as the sum of the first four numbers (1+2+3+4).

The term numerology comes from two words: the Latin "numerus," meaning number, and the Greek "logos" - science (we also recognize this part of the word from other fields such as astrology or psychology). This term suggests that numbers have great significance, and numerology categorizes all numbers into specific groups.

Division of numbers and their characteristics

Among numbers, we distinguish basic numbers, karmic numbers, master numbers, and special numbers. A separate category is zero. Each number is significant and has a specific meaning assigned to it.  

  • Basic numbers

Basic numbers are the main numbers for every person, accompanying them from birth. This type of number is also called destiny numbers. They define us and our traits and talents. This category includes numbers from 1 to 9.  

  • Master numbers

Master numbers are double numbers, considered more exceptional, with deeper meanings. These include 11, 22, and 33.  

  • Karmic numbers

Karmic numbers refer to significant events and issues linked to karma. They concern matters that should be settled to benefit from one's life opportunity fully. These are 13, 14, 16, 19, and 26.  

  • Special numbers

Special numbers signify exceptional potential. These include 17, 23, 27, 31, 40, and 41.  

  • Zero

Zero indicates the exceptional skills and abilities of a person.

By looking at numbers in this manner, we can learn about our lives. It's enough to conduct an analysis of your birth date. How to do it?

Numerological calculator

Calculating your birth date is very simple and won't be difficult for anyone. To do this, you need to sum the digits of the birth date. First, sum the day, month, and finally, the year of birth. For example, to calculate the birth date 03/15/1987, sum the individual digits in the following way: 1+5+0+3+1+9+8+7, which gives 34. In the next step, sum the digits making up 34, i.e., 3+4, which gives a result of 7. This number indicates that the person born on 03/15/1987 is a numerological seven.

Partner numerology

Those who trust numerology can base their choice of future partner on it. Partner numerology can help build relationships. If we calculate our numerological number and do the same for the birth date of a potential partner, we will find out whether they have a chance of forming a good relationship.

Which numbers match each other and which don't?

  • Ones match with threes, fives, and sixes

Numerological ones like to take the lead role, so in terms of personality traits, they will blend perfectly with threes, fives, and sixes. Relationships between ones and eights and ones and fours are not encouraged.

  • Correlations between twos and threes

For twos, ideal partners will be numerological fours and sixes. They will be able to create a deep bond on a similar emotional level. A relationship between twos and eights also looks promising. Twos should steer clear of fives and nines.

Threes will be on the same wavelength as ones, fives, and nines. They are unlikely to form an ideal duo with fours and eights.

  • Fours and fives and their partners

People born as fours match with twos and sixes. A partnership with ones or fives, however, could be a complete failure.

Fives should avoid twos and seek happiness alongside sevens.  

  • Sixes and sevens

Sixes will fit well with ones, twos, and fours. These numbers are capable of creating great relationships.

Sevens, in turn, should gravitate toward fives, nines, and other sevens.  

  • Eights and nines

Eights will not get along with sevens.

Nines, on the other hand, have a chance to create a good relationship with threes, sevens, and other nines.

Is it worth considering numerology when choosing a partner?

There is no clear answer to this question. It depends on what we believe in. Each of us should answer this question for ourselves. If we take numerology seriously, then such partnership horoscopes can be an essential guideline for our future. If we do not believe in the power of numbers, it is not worth being guided by what the numbers say. Nevertheless, it's always worth treating numerology as good fun.

Numerology offers an interesting approach to relationships, but it is worth recognizing that it is only one piece of the puzzle. Regardless of your numbers, every relationship will experience better and worse days, challenges, and difficulties.

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