NewsRussian town repaints building amidst outrage over Ukrainian colours

Russian town repaints building amidst outrage over Ukrainian colours

Outrage in Russia. Just look at this block
Outrage in Russia. Just look at this block
Images source: © Biełsat, X
Mateusz Kaluga

4 June 2024 08:19

For many months now, it has been known that symbols and colours referring to Ukraine are banned and disliked in Russia. Often, this leads to absurd situations, as in Irkutsk, where residents did not like the colours of a renovated apartment block. The building had been painted yellow and blue. However, this situation did not last long.

Russians react almost allergically to Ukrainian symbols and colours. Often, the media describe situations where people are stopped on the streets of Russian cities, even for carrying a blue-and-yellow bag.

However, repression against Russians also occurs when the letter "L," the symbol of the Russian Freedom Legion, is used, and volunteers fighting on the side of Ukraine attack Russian border regions. Problems also arose during the presidential elections, when voters chose to cast their vote at noon Eastern Time. Opponents of Putin wanted to express their dissatisfaction with his rule.

As reported by the Belsat portal, the residents of one city in the Irkutsk region of Russia were outraged by the colour of the building, which was white, blue, and yellow. Some tenants felt that the paint resembled the Ukrainian flag.

Russian block in Ukrainian colours

The city's residents were so upset that they contacted the mayor. A meeting was organized with the residents. The result was that officials went from apartment to apartment to check how many people were against the new painting.

When it turned out that the majority did not mind the new colours, the dissatisfied individuals boycotted the survey and disagreed with its results. The outcome was that the yellow colour was replaced with a more... "subdued" beige - informs Belsat.
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