TechRussia reallocates military assets from Finnish border to Ukraine

Russia reallocates military assets from Finnish border to Ukraine

Russian bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95 - illustrative photo
Russian bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95 - illustrative photo
Images source: © Planet Labs
Karolina Modzelewska

21 June 2024 11:36

Russia has moved most of its soldiers and military equipment stationed near the Finnish border to Ukraine, reports Defence Express, citing the Finnish public broadcaster Yle. The changes are visible even in satellite photos showing empty military bases. Apparently, Tu-160 and Tu-95 bombers and S-400 systems are needed more in other areas.

Information about the disappearance of nearly 80% of Russian resources from military bases near the Finnish border was reportedly provided by an anonymous representative of Finnish intelligence. According to them, Russia is "gathering" its military personnel and equipment not only from the Finnish border but from across the country, excluding the Moscow region. The most significant changes occurred at the technical base in Petrovsk. Significant differences were also noted at the base near Petrozavodsk. Between June 2023 and May 2024, dozens of equipment elements were taken from these bases. The Russians are withdrawing from NATO borders despite the Kremlin's narrative of growing threats from the Alliance.

Russia is withdrawing from NATO borders

At the bases located near the Finnish border, there were previously bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons, such as the Tu-160 and Tu-95, as well as S-400 Triumf missile systems. These are systems that Russia regularly uses in Ukraine. The S-400, a fourth-generation surface-to-air missile system developed by the Almaz-Antey Central Design Bureau, helps destroy aerial targets and intercept aircraft, helicopters, drones, and ballistic missiles. Depending on the missile used, its range ranges from about 40 to even 378 kilometers. S-400 systems are one of the primary targets of Ukrainian attacks. There are theories suggesting that Kyiv, by destroying such targets, is preparing for the arrival of Western F-16 fighters.

Among the "disappearing" military equipment are also Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers. The Tupolev design bureau developed these designs. The first of the mentioned machines is a strategic bomber or long-range reconnaissance aircraft, whose concept was born over 70 years ago, and production began in the mid-90s. The range of this machine is about 10,000 kilometres, and the altitude at which it can operate is close to 14,000 metres. The Tu-95 allows for carrying up to 13,600 kilograms of weaponry simultaneously. It is also capable of carrying nuclear payloads.

Tu-160 bombers are newer constructions. The Russians often use these supersonic strategic bombers as a nuclear deterrent and, according to them, are considered proof of the strength of Russian aviation. "White Swans" are machines with variable-geometry wings. These bombers, classified as some of the heaviest supersonic military aircraft in the world, can carry about 29,000 kilograms of weaponry and fly at speeds reaching 2,200 kilometres per hour.