FoodPreserving tradition: How to jar cucumber salad

Preserving tradition: How to jar cucumber salad

Mizeria for jars in winter mixed with cream
Mizeria for jars in winter mixed with cream
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Pawel Kacperek

6 June 2024 13:07

Cucumber salad for jars? I realize you may not have heard of such an idea until now, but I must ask you to trust me a little. The recipe I will show you works, and no one brings it to life as effectively as my mom.

Jars with various kinds of food have become almost symbolic. However, they appear not only in the trunks of students' cars, memes, and jokes but also—and most abundantly—in the pantries of our moms and grandmas. My mother has always been regarded in the family as a master of preserves and the noble "supplier" of the entire family with pickled and lightly salted cucumbers, zucchini or cabbage, bigos, and Breton beans. For some time now, cucumber salad has also joined this hearty group.

You're probably wondering why prepare this famous salad so far in advance. Well, I'll say it quite delicately and with all possible euphemisms. My mom is not fond of cucumbers sold in stores during winter. And since she doesn't care too much for them (but she certainly does for mizeria), this healthy salad is made almost "en masse" when she harvests her cucumbers from the garden.

What happens to them afterward? Below, I'll show you the recipe. The graphic is from the Instagram account "zesmakiemnaty." I noticed it's not just my mom making such cucumber salad for jars!

Cucumber salad for jars


  • 2 kilograms ground cucumbers,
  • 1 bunch dill,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon salt,
  • 4 tablespoons vinegar.
It's a shame not to take advantage of fresh cucumbers. Cucumber salad in jars is a good idea!
It's a shame not to take advantage of fresh cucumbers. Cucumber salad in jars is a good idea!© Canva | RitaE

Preparation method:

  1. Wash and chop the cucumbers. You can do this with a grater (guillotine) or a knife—whichever you prefer.
  2. Add finely chopped dill, seasonings, sugar, salt, and vinegar to the vegetables. Mix and set aside for an hour. After that time, the mizeria is transferred to jars and sealed.
  3. The jars need to undergo the pasteurization process. Place the jars in a pot and cover them up to 3/4 of their height with water. When the liquid starts boiling, count about 4-5 minutes. Done!
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