Keep garlic fresh all winter with this surprising rice trick
Anyone who has stored garlic for a long time knows that mould and loss of flavour are common problems. However, we have a simple method to ensure garlic will last all winter, remaining fresh and aromatic. How should you properly store garlic to enjoy its full flavour even during the cold months?
Garlic is an essential ingredient in many dishes; during winter, its unique taste and health properties are especially valuable. However, storing garlic for several months can be challenging — it easily moulds, loses aroma, or starts to sprout. Fortunately, a simple method allows you to maintain its freshness. The secret lies in rice! Thanks to it, garlic does not mould, and its strong flavour and aroma are preserved throughout the winter.
Why is rice ideal for storing garlic?
Rice has natural moisture-absorbing properties, making it ideal for storing products that are prone to moulding. Moisture in the air is the primary cause of garlic beginning to mould and losing its freshness. Storing it in a dry environment, like rice, helps maintain optimal humidity around the garlic heads, significantly extending its shelf life.
How to store garlic in rice?
Storing garlic in rice is exceptionally simple, and you only need a few basic items:
- Whole garlic heads (unpeeled)
- A container or jar with a lid
- White or brown rice
Thanks to this simple trick with rice, our garlic will last all winter in perfect condition. It's a quick, effective, and proven method that will help us enjoy fresh, aromatic garlic for many months. Whether we're using it for soups, sauces, or roasts, we will surely appreciate its strong flavour, which storing it in rice helps us maintain.
- Preparing the garlic: Make sure the garlic heads are whole and undamaged. Do not peel them, as the natural covering protects the garlic from moisture and mould.
- Container: Choose an airtight container or jar with a lid holding several garlic heads. The container must be dry and clean.
- Layer of rice: Pour a thin layer of rice at the bottom of the container — about 1 to 2 centimetres is enough.
- Placing the garlic: Place the garlic heads on the rice layer so they do not touch each other. If you have more garlic, add another layer of rice and place the garlic again. Rice will ensure that each garlic head has a dry space for storage.
- Storage: Store the garlic and rice container in a dry, cool place, preferably in a cabinet or pantry, away from direct light and heat sources.
Why is it worth storing garlic?
Garlic is not only a great addition to dishes but also a true support for our health. Its antibacterial, antifungal, and immune-boosting properties make it especially valuable in the winter months. By storing garlic in rice, we not only retain its intense flavour but also its full nutritional value.
Additional tips:
- Periodically, stir the rice in the container to prevent it from gathering moisture. If necessary, replace the rice with fresh rice if you notice it starts to lose its texture.
- The refrigerator is not suitable for storing garlic because the humidity promotes its spoilage and sprouting.
- Store garlic in its natural peel, which helps protect it from external factors and moulding.