NewsHungary's Orban: Brussels' peace through war strategy is failing

Hungary's Orban: Brussels' peace through war strategy is failing

Viktor Orban during a meeting at the Free Tusványos University in Romania
Viktor Orban during a meeting at the Free Tusványos University in Romania
Images source: © PAP | NANDOR VERES
Paweł Buczkowski

28 July 2024 10:11

- Brussels wants to create peace by constantly supporting the war - accuses Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. However, he notes changes in the approach to the war between Russia and Ukraine. "The process of fermentation has begun," he said.

"Brussels wants to create peace by supporting war, and resents us for our peace mission. What an Orwellian thought! Time is on the side of the pro-peace policy" - reads Viktor Orban's post on the X platform.

The Hungarian Prime Minister also included a fragment of his speech during the Free University of Tusványos meeting in Romania.

- I would like to remind ourselves that the EU has a treaty which contains the following sentence verbatim. I quote: 'The goal of the union is peace,' - said Viktor Orban.

- Brussels also resents the fact that we call what they are doing a pro-war policy - accused the Hungarian Prime Minister.

- Brussels also wants to create peace by constantly supporting war. Let us remind ourselves that despite all the criticism, since the beginning of the peace mission, the American and Russian defence ministers have talked to each other, the Swiss and Russian foreign ministers have held negotiations. President Zelensky finally called President Trump, and the Ukrainian foreign minister travled to Beijing - listed Orban.

- In other words, the fermentation has begun. We are slowly but surely moving a pro-war European policy to a pro-peace policy. This is inevitable because time is on the side of pro-peace policy, - highlighted the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Hungary facilitates entry for Russians. Strong reactions

Tensions between the European Union and Hungary are increasingly visible. The Hungarian government recently adopted a so-called national card system, which allows workers from eight countries, including Russia and Belarus, to enter Hungary without any limit on the number of people and without particular occupational restrictions.

"High time to push Orbán out of Schengen!" - commented former MEP and former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt on these changes.

Orban attacks Poland

At the same meeting, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also criticized Poland, accusing it of "hypocritical politics." - The Poles are conducting hypocritical politics. They criticize us for our relations with Russia, yet they conduct business with Russia through intermediaries. I have never seen such hypocrisy from a country - said Orban.

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