NewsFrance facing financial crisis as bond yields soar

France facing financial crisis as bond yields soar

President Emmanuel Macron is putting a lot on the line by dissolving the National Assembly
President Emmanuel Macron is putting a lot on the line by dissolving the National Assembly
Images source: © Getty Images | Christian Liewig - Corbis
Przemysław Ciszak

14 June 2024 06:56

On Friday, demand for French government bonds among investors reached a very high level, unseen for over four years. France's Minister of Finance and Economy, Bruno Le Maire, warned on Friday about a financial crisis in the country. "We are paying more for our debt today than Portugal," he stated.

France's Minister of Finance and Economy, Bruno Le Maire, warned on Friday about a financial crisis in the country with the second-largest economy in the EU, following President Emmanuel Macron's decision to dissolve parliament and call for early elections.

Financial crisis? "Yes"

When asked on Franceinfo radio whether the country's current political situation could lead to a financial crisis, he replied, "Yes."

Investor demand for French government bonds reached a very high level on Friday, unseen for over four years. Data from the London Stock Exchange Group indicates that the yield on French bonds is on track to record the highest weekly jump since the eurozone crisis.

We are paying more for our debt today than Portugal – Le Maire emphasized, adding that this is happening due to advancing political agendas influencing whether we will still be able to finance this debt or not.

Le Pen leads

The Eurosceptic National Rally (RN), formerly Marine Le Pen's National Front, is currently leading in popularity polls. It calls for lowering the retirement age and promoting a protectionist economic policy under the slogan "France First."

The rating agency S&P Global, which recently downgraded France's rating, claims that the policies promoted by this party could impact France's credit rating.

The recently formed leftist alliance also announced on Friday that it wants to lower the retirement age and introduce a new tax for the wealthy.