TechBradley's fighting vehicles become Ukrainian battlefield legends

Bradley's fighting vehicles become Ukrainian battlefield legends

M2 Bradley in Ukraine, illustrative photo
M2 Bradley in Ukraine, illustrative photo
Images source: © x | anton sheveliov, defense of ukraine
Mateusz Tomczak

26 September 2024 10:39

An article about the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in service with the Ukrainian army has been published in "The Wall Street Journal." It emphasizes that this 40-year-old veteran of the American army, known for its features and equipment, has become a favourite among Ukrainians.

The M2 Bradley is a tracked infantry fighting vehicle developed by the American FMC Corporation. Its production began in 1980. For over a dozen months, these types of vehicles have been sent to the front as part of US support. So far, more than 300 units of the M2 Bradley have been sent to Ukraine.

M2 Bradley in service with the Ukrainian army

Despite its age, the M2 Bradley has proven to be well-suited to Ukrainian combat conditions. It provides local soldiers with protection against drones and mines and the ability to engage in anti-tank battles with various types of Russian equipment. In some instances, the M2 Bradley eliminated not only lighter armoured vehicles but even tanks considered among the best in Putin's army.

Importantly, the Ukrainians did not receive the oldest variants of this infantry fighting vehicle, but ODS (Operation Desert Storm) modifications were introduced into service in the American army in the 1990s. These modifications include improvements based on experiences from the "Desert Storm" operation, such as a laser rangefinder and an improved fire control system. The M2 Bradley offers the crew a 25 mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun with a rate of fire of up to 200 rounds per minute, a 7.62 mm machine gun, and a TOW anti-tank missile launcher.

M2 Bradley becomes a legend in Ukraine

Despite weighing up to 62,000 pounds (28 metric tons), the M2 Bradley performs well even in difficult terrain, maintaining considerable mobility and manoeuvrability. It has an engine with 500 HP or 600 HP (depending on the year of production) and accelerates to a maximum speed of approximately 40 mph (65 km/h).

The Ukrainians also have versions of the M2 Bradley equipped with additional reactive armour BRAT, which increases the level of protection against, among other things, fire from handheld anti-tank weapons.

Ukrainian soldiers have repeatedly spoken positively about these American infantry fighting vehicles, emphasizing that they are durable and save lives. In early 2024, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence even stated that the M2 Bradley "has become a legend in Ukraine." They are deployed to the most challenging sections of the front, participating in battles near Avdiivka and currently used, among other places, in the Donetsk region.