FoodA time-saving trick: Preserving potatoes in jars for quick meals

A time-saving trick: Preserving potatoes in jars for quick meals

Instead of cooking every time, I pack it into jars. Dinner is
Instead of cooking every time, I pack it into jars. Dinner is
Images source: © Adobe Stock

25 August 2024 17:16

Potatoes are the foundation of many dishes. They are filling, nutritious, and incredibly versatile. However, their preparation takes time: boiling, peeling, and sometimes chopping, which consumes a substantial amount of minutes. But what if I told you that there’s always a way to have ready-to-use potatoes at hand? You need to prepare and can them properly.

Potatoes often accompany us daily, served on plates in various forms – mashed, baked, fried, or classically boiled. However, their preparation requires time, which is not always readily available. Fortunately, a simple trick saves you time in the kitchen while allowing you to enjoy delicious potatoes for long months. The key to success is… potatoes in jars! This method is popular among experienced cooks and homemakers. This method makes preparing dinner quick and easy, and tasty potatoes are always at hand.

How to store potatoes in jars?

The method of preparing potatoes in jars is simple but offers many benefits. Potatoes packed in jars and pasteurized, similar to pickled cucumbers or other preserves, can be stored long without losing flavour and nutritional value. This way of storing vegetables is becoming increasingly popular, especially among those who want to save time on cooking. Thanks to this process, the potatoes are ready to use whenever needed.

Here’s how to easily prepare potatoes in jars:


  • Potatoes
  • Salt
  • Water


  1. Peeling and chopping: Start by thoroughly washing and peeling the potatoes. Then, cut them into cubes or thin slices, depending on your preference. You can soak the chopped potatoes in cold water with some salt for a while – this helps them retain better flavour and texture during long-term storage.
  2. Pasteurization: After about 20 minutes, drain the potatoes and transfer them to previously sterilized, clean jars. Ensure the jars are tightly sealed, then place them in a large pot with water. Pasteurize the jars on low heat for about 1.5 hours. Pasteurization ensures that the potatoes stay fresh for a long time without losing their nutritional value.
  3. Additional vegetables: Want to enhance your supplies? Add other vegetables, such as carrots, parsley, or celery, to the jars with potatoes. These prepared vegetables will be the perfect addition to many dishes and can also serve as a base for salads, soups, or casseroles.
  4. Storage: Store the ready jars of potatoes in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry. These prepared supplies can last several months and retain their flavour qualities.

Variations on potatoes in jars

You can add various spices, herbs, or other vegetables, such as carrots, parsley, or celery, to the jars with potatoes. This way, everyone can find something they like. You can also experiment with different types of potatoes, like new potatoes or sweet potatoes.

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