FoodA healthier breakfast: Swap white bread for whole grain and more

A healthier breakfast: Swap white bread for whole grain and more

Weight Loss Hacks - Delicacies
Weight Loss Hacks - Delicacies
Images source: © Adobe Stock

11 August 2024 11:03

A sandwich is one of the most popular breakfast choices, and it's no wonder because it's quick to prepare. Although it can also be made in a very healthy version by choosing whole grain bread and adding lots of vegetables, it's worth sometimes opting for its substitutes. These substitutes can help you lose weight and make you feel lighter.

Let's start with the fact that it's unnecessary to demonize bread at all, but it's worth varying your diet so that it isn't the main component. White bread has a rather poor reputation, and some still consider it bad. Although it is not an ideal choice, occasional consumption will not hurt. It's not without reason people say that the dose makes the poison. However, if you care about a healthy and balanced diet, it's worth replacing white bread with whole-grain alternatives or other satiety meals.

What can you replace white bread with?

If you can't imagine life without bread and it’s hard to exclude it from your diet, opt for whole-grain bread. Whole grain bread contains more fibre, vitamins, and minerals than white bread, positively impacting overall health. Thanks to its fibre content, it ensures a feeling of fullness for longer, which helps control appetite and maintain a proper weight.

Whole-grain bread's low glycemic index helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes or insulin resistance.

Colourful sandwiches on wholegrain bread
Colourful sandwiches on wholegrain bread© Adobe Stock
- A good breakfast should always include a source of complex carbohydrates that will provide energy for a good start to the day and prevent snacking between meals - says the Medonet portal.

Complex carbohydrates present in a nutritious breakfast are like fuel for our body. They provide a constant energy level for many hours, so it's worth ensuring a good source of them in our diet.

To complete the meal, it's worth ensuring adequate protein, which is the building block of our muscles and tissues. Great sources of protein are eggs, cheese, seeds, nuts, and meat. Let’s not forget about vegetables, which provide us with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes, or cucumbers are excellent additions to any meal.

Healthy food for breakfast.
Healthy food for breakfast.© Getty Images | takepicsforfun

What instead of bread?

Instead of eating bread for breakfast every day, opt for other meals. They will be tasty and very healthy. Oatmeal is a good idea. It can be prepared in many ways, both sweet and savoury. It's also worth choosing grains such as millet, buckwheat, or quinoa. Whole-grain tortillas, which can be filled with vegetables or scrambled eggs, also make an excellent base for sandwiches.

White bread is not our enemy. However, this doesn't mean you can eat it without any limitations. It's worth diversifying your daily menu and introducing breakfasts that provide nutritional value and are not empty calories. This makes it easier to lose weight and shed unnecessary pounds.

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