FoodYeast pancakes with rhubarb: A delightful children's day treat

Yeast pancakes with rhubarb: A delightful children's day treat

Homemade fritters with powdered sugar.
Homemade fritters with powdered sugar.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Monika

20 May 2024 12:49

Children's Day is approaching. Any idea for a delicious breakfast? Prepare these easy yeast pancakes, and the little ones won't be able to resist them. The secret to their taste lies in a particular vegetable you can buy at any store.

Yeast pancakes are the taste of childhood. We enjoyed them every weekend as children. Our moms and grandmas served them with apples and powdered sugar. You could eat a whole plate of them and still ask for more.

Children's Day is just over a week away. For this occasion, it's worth preparing something special for breakfast. Not sure what to make? Yeast pancakes are always a good idea. Discover the best recipe.

How to make yeast pancakes?

Yeast pancakes are soft and fluffy pancakes fried in deep oil. In every household, they were prepared slightly differently. My mom specialized in fluffy and light-as-a-cloud yeast pancakes, while grandma added fermented milk and baking soda to them. They tasted like something between a donut and a cheesecake.

Yeast pancakes with rhubarb - recipe


  • 875 ml of warm milk,
  • 1/2 block of fresh yeast (or a package of dried yeast),
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 300 grams of all-purpose flour,
  • 2 eggs,
  • vegetable oil,
  • vanilla extract,
  • 3 rhubarb stalks,
  • 200 grams of strawberries.


  1. Start by preparing the yeast mixture. Heat the milk; it should be warm but not hot. Add the crumbled yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and wait 15 minutes for the yeast to activate.
  2. Meanwhile, wash and peel the rhubarb. Cut it into small cubes. Put it in a large bowl and sprinkle it with a tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Transfer the flour to a large bowl. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, yeast mixture, and warm milk. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Add the rhubarb with sugar to the batter. Stir it again and cover the bowl with a clean cloth. Set it aside for 30-40 minutes until the dough doubles.
  5. Pour the ready batter onto a skillet with some oil. Form small pancakes from it. Fry them for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  6. Place them on a plate. Before serving, drizzle them with a sauce made from mashed strawberries with added sugar. Enjoy!
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