TechViperfish: Ocean’s terrifying predator with record-breaking teeth

Viperfish: Ocean’s terrifying predator with record-breaking teeth

Sloane's viperfish is the fish with the largest teeth
Sloane's viperfish is the fish with the largest teeth
Images source: © Getty Images | Diego Grandi

28 August 2024 16:16

Discoveries made by scientists can sometimes send a shiver down your spine, especially when delving into the depths of the oceans. A fish with record-breaking large teeth can be particularly terrifying.

IFLScience presented information about a fish that might be the most unsettling creature living in the ocean depths. It’s about the viperfish (Chauliodus sloani), also known as the demon of the depths – a fish that boasts the largest teeth in proportion to head size in the marine world.

Record-breaking large teeth

The Guinness World Records confirm that the viperfish's teeth make up more than half the length of its head. A characteristic feature is that they are so long that the tips overlap when the mouth is closed.

Although this may sound terrifying, the viperfish Sloane usually reaches a length of up to 35 centimetres, and its teeth do not exceed 1 centimetre in length. Interestingly, similarly fearsome teeth are also found in another fish of the same genusthe Pacific viperfish (Chauliodus macouni).

A true deep-sea hunter

Putting aside the terrifying fangs for a moment, it’s worth noting the viperfish's unassuming but equally fascinating features. Its dark silver, iridescent skin hides photophores – small light-emitting organs that help camouflage and attract prey. Moreover, the ability to dislocate its jaw and expand its stomach allows this fish to swallow prey up to 63% of its own length. This is possible due to evolutionary adaptation – this fish can eat approximately every 12 days, making it an effective, though infrequently, hunting predator. Additionally, the structure of its first cervical vertebra acts as a shock absorber when the mouth is closed, allowing for a secure capture and retention of prey.

The viperfish rightly deserves the title of a monster from the depths. Still, its small size and distant habitats mean it remains merely an object of scientific fascination for humans rather than a real threat. Despite its terrifying appearance, this deep-sea creature plays an essential role in the marine ecosystem, highlighting the incredible diversity of life hidden in the darkness of the oceans.

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