Trump presidency ignites European right-wing surge
Donald Trump's election as President of the United States sparked a wave of commentary and political speculation. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, predicts significant changes in international relations and an increased importance of the right wing in Europe, reports
According to reports, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban anticipates a new era in international relations following Donald Trump's inauguration. He remarked that "even the sun will shine differently in Brussels." Orban believes that Trump's presidency will boost right-wing influence on the continent and usher in a "golden era" in Hungary-United States relations.
A new force in the European Parliament
The Hungarian Prime Minister did not hide his enthusiasm for the expected changes in Europe due to the new policies of the United States. Concerning the rise of right-wing influence, Orban mentioned his Fidesz party and its allies. Last year, these groups united to form "Patriots for Europe" in the European Parliament, which became the third strongest group in this institution.
Emphasizing his anti-EU rhetoric, Orban spoke of the "second phase of an offensive," aimed at "occupying Brussels." According to him, members of his party feel great enthusiasm for the prospect of cooperating with the Trump administration. These comments further intensified the tone of relations between Hungary and the European Union, which Orban regularly criticizes.
Opposition to Brussels
As reports, Orban consistently portrays Hungary as a counterbalance to the ruling system in the European Union, describing Brussels as "occupied by a left-liberal oligarchy."