FoodStuffed tomatoes: Elevate your everyday family meals

Stuffed tomatoes: Elevate your everyday family meals

Stuffed tomatoes are the latest hit in my house.
Stuffed tomatoes are the latest hit in my house.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Olga

22 May 2024 12:49

Stuffed tomatoes do not have to be prepared only for special occasions. Once I adopted this mindset, making dinner for the entire family became simpler. Now and then, I implement this easy plan—scooping out the middle of the tomatoes, stuffing them with a savoury filling, and baking them. It works!

For many years, I've been fond of baked tomatoes. This passion developed while searching for natural sources of umami—the fifth taste known primarily in Japanese cuisine. When I discovered that baked tomatoes were rich in umami, I knew they would become a staple in my cooking. All that was left was to create a dish that everyone in the household would enjoy.

Initially, creating such a dish was challenging. Instead of overcomplicating things, I opted for simplicity. I used ground meat, grated cheese, and herbs. The result? It's a delicious dish that only needs some boiled potatoes.

Below, I share a reliable recipe that I've used many times. I recommend it, and good luck!

Stuffed tomatoes for dinner


  • 6 tomatoes,
  • 200 grams (7 ounces) of ground meat (I use turkey or thigh meat),
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 1 tablespoon of dried thyme,
  • 1 tablespoon of dried oregano,
  • several tablespoons of bread crumbs,
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce,
  • pepper,
  • 1 egg,
  • a piece of hard yellow cheese in a block.

Preparation method:

Stuffed and baked tomatoes are a great source of umami
Stuffed and baked tomatoes are a great source of umami© Canva | kie-ker
  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half crosswise. Alternatively, if the tomatoes are more petite, cut off the tops and make one portion from each tomato.
  2. Using a small knife and spoon, scoop out the pulp. If the tomatoes are particularly watery, sprinkle them with salt inside and set them aside upside down for half an hour. However, this step is optional.
  3. Season the ground meat with garlic and spices. Add olive oil, bread crumbs, and the egg. Mix well and stuff the tomatoes with this mixture.
  4. Place the stuffed tomatoes in a baking dish. Drizzle the tops with olive oil and sprinkle with pepper. Bake for an hour at 175°C (350°F) in an oven preheated to 350°F. Ten minutes before the end, add the grated yellow cheese. Done!
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