FoodSprouting garlic: Unveiling its enhanced health benefits and safety

Sprouting garlic: Unveiling its enhanced health benefits and safety

Sprouting garlic: Unveiling its enhanced health benefits and safety
Images source: © Adobe Stock

10 May 2024 13:23

Garlic enhances the flavor of favorite dishes and exhibits a range of health-promoting properties. It's recommended for consumption. But is sprouting garlic as safe for our health as fresh garlic?

Sometimes, we forget about the garlic stored in the cupboard, and it sprouts. In such situations, a question often arises - is sprouting garlic safe to eat? Should we throw it away, or can we still use it? Is there a risk that this commonly used culinary ingredient could become toxic?

Can we eat sprouting garlic?

According to Dr. Marek Skoczylas in a video published on YouTube, sprouting garlic is several times richer in health-promoting substances compared to non-sprouted garlic. Above all, it contains significantly more antioxidant substances. Moreover, as the shoot grows each day, the concentration of antioxidants increases as well. These antioxidants effectively protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for damaging cells and accelerating the aging process of the body, as well as promoting the development of many serious diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

However, Dr. Skoczylas emphasizes that the sprouting garlic cloves possess these health-promoting properties, not the sprouts themselves. Raw sprouts should not be eaten, as they may be contaminated with bacteria.

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Why does garlic sprout?

The sprouting process of garlic is an entirely natural phenomenon. It usually occurs when garlic is stored for too long in elevated temperatures. Although garlic sprouting adds to its value, storing it in inappropriate conditions may cause the vegetable to rot over time.

The best place to store garlic heads would be in a dry and relaxed environment. In such an environment, garlic can be stored longer without losing its taste and health properties. A basket made of wicker or a box that provides proper air circulation would be ideal for this purpose.