TechSpanish Nasams missile defence system bolsters Estonia's security

Spanish Nasams missile defence system bolsters Estonia's security

Launching of the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile from the NASAMS launcher
Launching of the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile from the NASAMS launcher
Images source: © Kongsberg
Mateusz Tomczak

24 June 2024 16:38

Spanish armed forces will temporarily transfer (for a period of at least four months) the Nasams missile defence system to Estonia. It is intended to protect the Baltic country from a potential attack by Russia. What are the capabilities of this weapon?

According to the plan approved by the Spanish command, the Nasams system is to be in Estonia by September this year. Along with it, the Spanish army will also send its soldiers there. During his visit to Tallinn, King Felipe VI Bourbon assured that the Spanish army is committed to the defence of NATO's eastern flank. In total, there are over 4,000 Spanish soldiers in Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, and Romania.

Additional Nasams system over the Baltic

- Spain may be at the other end of Europe, but believe me, we also feel very close to you - said Felipe VI, assuring that Spain considers Estonia, a friend in the EU and NATO.

Nasams is an advanced short—and medium-range ground-to-air missile defence system. It is regarded as one of the world's most effective weapons of its kind. Its enormous capabilities are evidenced, among other things, by its use to protect, for example, the American White House. It has also proven effective in the war in Ukraine, where it has shown high effectiveness in combating Russian targets.

Nasams allow for defensive actions against cruise missiles, drones, and helicopters. The effective range of fire from the launchers included in this system (in the latest version) reaches approximately 50 kilometres, and the maximum altitude reaches approximately 35 kilometres. The radars detecting enemy targets have a more extended range, reaching approximately 120 kilometres.

Felipe VI added that both countries share the opinion on the necessity of punishing Russia for war crimes committed by its troops on Ukrainian territory. Spain is committed to helping the army of defenders, systematically sending aid packages to the front, including heavy military equipment.

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