NewsRussian sabotage actions in Europe target weapon supplies to Ukraine

Russian sabotage actions in Europe target weapon supplies to Ukraine

Russian sabotage in Europe. They want to disrupt arms supplies
Russian sabotage in Europe. They want to disrupt arms supplies
Images source: © General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine | MYKOLA OLIINYK
Maciej Zubel

27 May 2024 08:21

Russia is organizing increasingly more sabotage actions in Europe to disrupt the supply of military equipment to Ukraine, writes The New York Times. According to U.S. and allied intelligence assessments, these actions are part of a Russian campaign aimed at undermining efforts to provide military support to Ukraine.

The NYT mentions the arson of a warehouse in England, a paint factory in Poland, residential buildings in Latvia, and an Ikea store in Lithuania as examples of sabotage. Russian intelligence is reportedly directing this campaign.

The newspaper reports that recent efforts have led to the apprehension of individuals working for Russia. They were allegedly planning attacks on American military bases.

"While the acts might appear random, American and European security officials say they are part of a concerted effort by Russia to slow arms transfers to Kyiv and create the appearance of growing European opposition to support for Ukraine," writes NYT. To help create such an impression, native citizens of European countries are being involved in these actions.

Russians aim to disrupt supplies to Ukraine. Intelligence reveals actions

The newspaper notes that many of the Russian intelligence targets are not directly related to the war. "But some security officials say Russia is trying to sow fear and force European nations to add security throughout the weapons supply chain, adding costs and slowing the pace of transfers," it reads.

Americans also note that Russian agents are quite cautious in carrying out their diversionary actions. They want to cause unrest but, at the same time, effectively avoid direct accusations of causing it.

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