NewsRussian-guided bomb strikes devastate Kharkiv, casualties rise

Russian-guided bomb strikes devastate Kharkiv, casualties rise

Russia attacked Kharkiv
Russia attacked Kharkiv
Images source: © Telegram

22 June 2024 15:51

Russia attacked Kharkiv at least four times. "The occupiers used KAB-guided aerial bombs and struck a residential area," stated Oleg Syniehubov, the head of Kharkiv's regional administration. Currently, it is known that three people have died, and at least 37 are injured, but the number of victims may rise.

Kharkiv mayor Igor Terekhov announced on Telegram that explosions could be heard in the city. Then, the head of Kharkiv's regional administration, Oleg Syniehubov, confirmed, explaining that the Russians conducted four bomb attacks in densely populated residential areas. "The occupiers used KAB-guided aerial bombs and struck a residential area," he reported.

A video of the bomb strike's moment appeared in media outlets.

Currently, it is known that three people have died. "The number of injured has risen to 37. Doctors are fighting for the lives of four patients – two women and two men – who are in serious condition," Syniehubov stated on Telegram. He said only civilian infrastructure was damaged: houses, public transport stops, and shops.

"The number of victims may rise – rescue operations are underway, as a five-story residential building was destroyed in the strike. Among the injured on Gagarina Avenue are two young girls aged 12 and 13. One of them is in the hospital in serious condition," reads a police statement.

The outer wall of a residential building on Gagarina Avenue was destroyed, and apartments on at least three floors were damaged. "A guided aerial bomb hit a residential building in Kharkiv, and three more hit a production facility in another district," Mayor Terekhov told reporters.

Zelensky appeals to partners

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also commented on the matter. He confirmed that the Russians attacked Kharkiv again with guided bombs.

"This Russian terror using guided bombs must and can be stopped. We need decisive actions from our partners so that we can destroy the Russian terrorists and Russian combat aircraft wherever they are located," Zelensky wrote, referring to information provided by the "Washington Post."

The United States has imposed restrictions on Kyiv regarding shelling. According to these rules, Ukraine may conduct military actions only within 100 kilometres of the Ukrainian-Russian border. Although American officials have not officially confirmed this permissible distance, they emphasized that Ukraine's information about such restrictions is false, reports the Washington Post.

As seen in the video published by President Zelensky, it is a five-story building on Gagarina Avenue. It is located next to the "Kharkiv-Levada" railway and bus stations. Terekhov told the local newspaper "Gvara" that the Russians also shelled a production facility in Kharkiv. The Russians fired three anti-aircraft missiles towards it. One person was killed, and three more were injured.

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