LifestyleOrchid care essentials: Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Orchid care essentials: Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Be careful with this soil if you own orchids
Be careful with this soil if you own orchids
Images source: © Adobe Stock

5 September 2024 14:13

Orchid care is not very difficult. However, it is easy to make a mistake that causes these ornamental plants to quickly wither. What should you remember if you dream of well-maintained, flower-covered orchids?

An orchid is one of the most impressive potted plants. However, to enjoy its beautiful, blooming form, it’s important to provide the right care. Below, we present key rules for taking care of orchids that will help you keep them in excellent condition.

It is extremely important to provide the plant with proper soil. A certain type of soil can cause the orchid's condition to deteriorate. Unfortunately, this is a very common mistake made by many people. What exactly is the issue?

The orchid doesn’t like it. Never use it

In their natural environment, orchids grow on tree bark—such plants are called epiphytes. For this reason, it's crucial to provide them with the right soil. Many people make the mistake of using... universal potting soil for potted plants. This way, the orchids do not get adequate air circulation nor the right humidity.

Regular soil causes too much water retention. The plants cannot breathe freely, which leads to root rot.

What is the best soil for orchids? Be sure to use soil that is light and allows air to pass through. Many people recommend a mix of coconut fibres with tree bark, charcoal, and perlite. These mixtures create the proper soil structure for orchids.

We recommend a mixture consisting of tree bark, as well as coconut fibre, perlite, and charcoal. These additives support the soil structure, thus ensuring root stability. However, proper soil is just the beginning of caring for your dream potted plants. Let's also get familiar with tips on watering, fertilizing, and repotting.

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