LifestyleNigella Lawson's pasta trick could cut your utility bills

Nigella Lawson's pasta trick could cut your utility bills

A trick for cooking pasta. Save on electricity / illustrative photo
A trick for cooking pasta. Save on electricity / illustrative photo
Images source: © Getty Images | Nopadol Uengbunchoo
Aleksandra Lewandowska

28 May 2024 13:48

When electricity and gas bills are getting higher and higher, it's worth knowing tricks to reduce them a bit. You must learn how to cook pasta cleverly using Nigella Lawson's method. You don't need to turn on the burner for ten minutes.

Cooking pasta seems to be one of the simplest tasks. You need to boil water, throw in the pasta, and wait as long as it says on the package. However, this way, we won't save on electricity or gas, whose prices are still rising. So how can we do it? How can we reduce the bills? You need to know this trick.

This is how you lower your electricity and gas bills

Famous chef Nigella Lawson shared a way to save on bills on her website. She knew only a clever trick related to cooking pasta. As it turns out, you don't need to cook it for ten minutes.

Lawson calls this trick the "Vincenzo Agnesi method" or the "passive cooking method." As she explains, you need to bring a pot of water to a boil, and after throwing in the pasta, cook it for only two minutes. Then, please turn off the stove or cooktop, cover the pot with a lid, and leave the pasta until it's cooked. This way, not only will we save, but we will also reduce the risk of overcooking the pasta.

Boil water this way

If we want to save even more on bills, it's worth knowing how to boil water. When we want to make a cup of hot tea, most of us pour as much as the kettle can hold. However, this is a colossal mistake that costs us a lot of money.

One of the TikTokers shared a clever way on her profile. As she said:

- Take a cup or glass and pour in as much water as you need. With constantly rising electricity bills, this way you will save a lot of money.

So, everything is based on measuring the water we need and boiling only a specific amount.

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