FoodMillionaire's tart: A decadent delight for chocolate and caramel lovers

Millionaire's tart: A decadent delight for chocolate and caramel lovers

Millionaire's tart
Millionaire's tart
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Simon Greig

5 August 2024 13:57

This dessert is a sweet realization of the dreams of all chocolate and caramel lovers. Millionaire's tart is worth millions, as its taste is simply a delight for the palate. Preparing such a dessert is quite simple, so it’s worth having the recipe handy for small or big celebrations.

This cake is not for those who prefer savoury dishes over sweets. One piece contains a significant dose of sugar, but it's worth straying off the dietary path sometimes for this dessert. It is perfect for special occasions when you want to surprise guests with a dessert different from the traditional cheesecake or apple pie.

Millionaire's cake - tart with caramel and chocolate

Originally, it was called caramel shortbread or millionaire’s shortbread. Although the dessert's roots are traced back to Scotland, the recipe gained the most popularity in Australia in the 1970s.

Where did the name come from? The first theory links the name to the intense, rich flavour of the cake. The second theory suggests that the ingredients needed to prepare the cake were once so expensive that only a millionaire could afford to make it.

Millionaire's tart
Millionaire's tart© Pixabay
- The millionaire’s shortbread is often richer in calories than the one who tastes is in hard cash - says a Scottish saying.

Recipe for millionaire's tart

Millionaire's tart can be served as mini cakes or a large tart cut into smaller squares. I usually opt for the latter version.



  • 200 grams (7 oz) all-purpose flour,
  • 100 grams (4 oz) cold butter, cut into cubes,
  • 50 grams (2 oz) powdered sugar,
  • a pinch of salt.


  • 150 grams (5 oz) sugar,
  • 100 grams (4 oz) butter,
  • 50 milliliters (2 fl oz) heavy cream (30%),
  • a pinch of salt.

Chocolate topping:

  • 200 grams (7 oz) dark chocolate,
  • 50 grams (2 oz) butter.

Preparation method:

  1. In a bowl, mix flour, powdered sugar, and salt. Add cold butter and quickly knead the dough.
  2. Spread the dough in a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Gently press with your fingers to create the base and low edges.
  3. Prick with a fork and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 175°C (350°F) and bake the base for about 15-20 minutes until it turns golden brown.
  5. Prepare the caramel. Melt the sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan until it is golden brown. Add the butter and stir until it melts.
  6. Carefully pour in the cream, stirring constantly. Add a pinch of salt.
  7. Remove from heat and let the caramel cool slightly.
  8. Pour the prepared caramel over the base.
  9. Melt the chocolate with butter in a water bath and pour over the cake.
  10. Place the tart in the refrigerator for a few hours to set.

Instead of caramel, you can also use ready-made dulce de leche. Enjoy!

See also