TechLife thrives beneath Arctic ice: Breakthrough discovery

Life thrives beneath Arctic ice: Breakthrough discovery

Images source: © Getty Images | 2023 Photothek
Norbert Garbarek

7 September 2024 20:24

Scientists have long sought to determine whether there is life beyond Earth and, if so, under what conditions it develops. It turns out, however, that much remains to be discovered on our own planet. One of the breakthroughs in this field is discussed in the journal "Nature Communications." Scientists have detailed a significant discovery beneath the Arctic ice.

Conditions often make it difficult for many species to survive deep in the world's oceans and seas. However, this does not mean that even the most challenging areas are devoid of life. Researchers have repeatedly shown that creatures adapted to such extreme conditions can indeed be found at depths of several kilometres.

Life beneath Arctic ice

According to research conducted by Clara J. M. Hoppe and her team from the German Alfred-Wegener-Institut, life can develop even far beneath the Arctic ice. "Photosynthesis in the ocean is possible under much lower light conditions, and can therefore take place at much greater depths, than previously assumed," the study states.

The researchers examined microalgae living under the snow and ice cover of the Arctic Ocean, among other things. They demonstrated that life can develop under the ice caps at the North Pole despite exceptionally low light levels. Even when the sun barely rises above the horizon, and the area where these algae are located is almost completely dark, plants still carry out photosynthesis—even in conditions of very low light.

Experts explain that photosynthesis converts sunlight into biologically useful energy, forming the basis of life on Earth. Until now, it was believed that since the amount of light under the Arctic Ocean ice is well below the critical minimum, photosynthesis would not occur there. However, it turns out plants can accumulate biomass even with light levels close to the minimum.

The procedure of scientists. This is how samples for testing were collected.
The procedure of scientists. This is how samples for testing were collected.©

Research important for the entire planet

"It is very impressive to see how efficiently the algae can utilize such low amounts of light. This shows once again how well organisms are adapted to their environment," explains Hoppe. She adds that the snow-covered ice cap in the Arctic allows only a few photons of incoming light to pass through.

Scientists report that to study such minimal light levels during the Arctic winter, it was necessary to freeze special and newly developed measuring instruments designed for this purpose. It was challenging to account for irregularities under the ice due to changes in ice and snow thickness. Nevertheless, they ultimately determined with high precision how many photons appear beneath the ice.

Hoppe's team's research is important for the entire planet, as it demonstrates what plants on Earth are capable of – not just in the Arctic. This discovery allows scientists to suspect that many organisms in other regions have developed the ability to perform photosynthesis under very difficult conditions.

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