FoodHealthy teeth: The surprising role of diet and nutrition

Healthy teeth: The surprising role of diet and nutrition

A diet to strengthen teeth really exists. What products should you eat to strengthen your teeth?
A diet to strengthen teeth really exists. What products should you eat to strengthen your teeth?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

21 June 2024 10:59

Healthy and beautiful teeth are not just a matter of appearance. The state of our teeth reflects our health. It's worth understanding that solid teeth are not only the result of proper oral hygiene but also diet. What should you eat, and what should you avoid to have healthy teeth?

Not just oral hygiene

We all dream of a beautiful, healthy smile—just like in a toothpaste commercial. It's indisputable that teeth attract special attention when we look at someone's face. It's often said that the condition of our teeth is determined by genetics, and this is partly true. However, not everything can be blamed on genes—the foundation of a healthy smile is proper dental care.

In this case, it's not just about daily brushing, flossing, mouthwash, or even regular dental check-ups. One of the most crucial elements is nutrition. Why is it so important, and what does a diet for teeth look like?

Why does diet matter for your teeth?

Beautiful teeth are essential for our appearance – they add charm, highlight beauty, and indicate that we care for ourselves. What we see at first glance guarantees health and fresh breath. Healthy and robust teeth allow us to bite into and properly chew foods with a stiff consistency. Food that is adequately broken down can be digested in the digestive system, which ensures the delivery of essential nutrients to the body.

Therefore, proper nutrition, dental hygiene, and regular dental check-ups are vital elements that translate into health, not just external appearance.

Diet to strengthen teeth

Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium significantly impact healthy teeth and bones. Essential vitamins for a teeth-healthy diet include C, D, and K. Which products should you include in your daily menu to enjoy beautiful and healthy teeth?

Vegetables and fruits high in fibre

Fibre plays an important role, among other things, in the digestion process and supports the fight against obesity – these two properties are well-known. However, not everyone knows the importance of consuming fibre in the context of dental health. It turns out fibre is an excellent ally in caring for healthy teeth. Scientists have shown that fibre positively impacts the cleaning of teeth and gums. Furthermore, consuming fibre increases saliva production, crucial for protecting teeth and gums. Saliva neutralizes acids and enzymes that try to attack the enamel.

Dairy – milk, cheese, and yogurt

Dairy products are considered the best sources of calcium. They contain high levels of calcium and phosphates. In places affected by enamel demineralization caused by other products, these compounds help rebuild the tooth structure.

The most valuable dairy products in this regard are natural yogurts, kefirs, and buttermilk. Cheese also contains a significant amount of calcium and increases the pH of dental plaque, reducing the risk of cavities and gum inflammation. Cheese also increases saliva production, which mitigates the harmful effects of sugars and acids.

A lack of sufficient calcium often results in tooth fragility and further problems, such as cavities, chipping, or tooth breakage.

Other calcium-rich products

Some people suffer from celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or a food allergy to dairy, so they must exclude these products from their diet. However, they are advised to consume other calcium-rich products to avoid the adverse effects on their health and teeth. Good sources include almonds, dried figs, sardines, and poppy seeds. Consider taking calcium supplements in this case.

Fluoride – foods and beverages

Where are fluorides found? In fluoridated tap water, powdered juices (if they don't contain large amounts of sugar) and powdered soups. They can also be found in some poultry deli meats, breakfast cereals, and seafood. Fluoride, in its natural form, is found in fatty fish and walnuts.

Sugar-free chewing gum

Are you chewing gum for healthy teeth? That's correct! It's not about eating gum because it's chewed but about increasing saliva production. It's best to always have some on hand and chew it after meals when brushing your teeth isn’t possible. Chewing gum has another advantage – it helps remove food residues and sugar, which particularly activates bacteria. Of course, it should be sugar-free gum.

Green and black tea

For healthy teeth, it's worth drinking green and black tea. These teas are good sources of polyphenols, which can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria in dental plaque. Fewer acids on the tooth surface result, thereby reducing the risk of cavities. It's best to brew tea with water that contains fluoride.

What to avoid?

Maintaining a beautiful smile is also worth knowing which products to avoid. The items on the following list should be limited in your diet. These include:

  • Cakes, sweets, sugary sodas – anything that contains sugar, as sugar promotes the development of cavities and gum disease;
  • coffee and wine, as they contribute to tooth discolouration;
  • starch-based snacks (chips, corn puffs, sweet rolls). Fragments of these products hide between teeth and provide food for cavity-causing bacteria
  • and alcohol, dehydrating the body and leading to dry mouth.

BMI and dental health

Lastly, an interesting fact worth noting. Besides proper nutrition, weight also affects the quality and appearance of our teeth. People with a BMI exceeding the norm are at greater risk of periodontal disease and problems with periodontitis. Obesity also contributes to the development of inflammations that negatively impact the condition of teeth. Therefore, maintaining a healthy body weight is essential for dental health.

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