Biden's NATO summit blunder: Invites "President Putin" instead of Zelensky
Joe Biden's series of gaffes is unending. During the NATO Summit, the U.S. President was supposed to introduce Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Instead, he invited "President Putin" to the stage. Both leaders tried to turn the awkward situation into a joke.
"We’re building a bridge to NATO for Ukraine, a pathway leading to an — an eventual membership as they continue to implement important domestic reforms. This compact, which is on the stage here, is a central piece of that bridge," Biden said during the presentation of the "Ukraine compact" declaration by 23 countries that signed bilateral security agreements with Ukraine.
"Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail," the U.S. President emphasized.
Introducing President Zelensky, Biden referred to him as "President Putin". "Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. President Putin — he’s going to beat President Putin — President Zelenskyy," he immediately corrected himself and tried to recover from the awkward situation.
"I’m so focused on beating Putin, we got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President," the President joked.
"I’m better than that," Zelensky replied.
"You are a hell of a lot better," Biden assured.
Zelensky thanked the leaders and Biden for their support, especially highlighting the promise of air defense systems.
"There are 23 strong agreements, and there will be agreements with other countries. And we have a historically significant security agreement with the United States. This Ukraine Compact we are forming takes our relations to a new level — a significant achievement for Ukraine and all of us," he declared.