EntertainmentAustralian woman vacuums deadly spider, too afraid to sleep

Australian woman vacuums deadly spider, too afraid to sleep

She did her daily cleaning. She vacuumed up a poisonous spider.
She did her daily cleaning. She vacuumed up a poisonous spider.
Images source: © Canva

10 September 2024 18:42, updated: 11 September 2024 09:51

Snakes crawling out of hiding spots, rats jumping out of the toilet, and huge spiders lurking in corners—anyone can experience a shock when confronted with a predator. Residents of Australia are definitely more exposed to this than people in any other part of the world.

Australia is famous for its breathtaking landscapes, beautiful beaches perfect for surfing, and amazing wildlife. However, the continent is also home to many animals that no sane person would want to see in their home: crocodiles, scorpions, snakes, and spiders are not desired roommates.

Life in Australia, however, is a completely different level of hardcore. A certain woman shared a recording of how, while vacuuming, she sucked up a huge spider that was hiding among the cushions.

She sucked up a huge spider. She was afraid to go to sleep

"I live in Australia, and when I was vacuuming my room, I also cleaned behind the cushions that were on the floor, and I sucked up a funnel web spider [funnel web spider; Atrax, Australian funnel-web spider], which is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. This one is quite big. I cried hysterically for about an hour and then didn’t sleep for three days. This is Australia," says the woman in the video, making a close-up of the spider trapped in the dust and dirt container.

What’s the moral of the story? It’s worth vacuuming thoroughly, including behind the cushions...

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