LifestyleA dish sponge in the freezer? The surprising trick that works

A dish sponge in the freezer? The surprising trick that works

Why is it worth keeping a sponge in the freezer?
Why is it worth keeping a sponge in the freezer?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

13 September 2024 09:33

Did you know that an ordinary dish sponge can become your ally in maintaining order in your refrigerator? Although this simple trick may seem a bit strange, it has many advantages and can significantly improve the comfort of using your appliance.

Have you ever heard of the dish sponge trick in the freezer? When I first came across this idea, it seemed to be a popular social media gimmick created solely for the "wow" effect. Nothing could be further from the truth! It turns out that this simple and inconspicuous life hack works and can help solve a few annoying household problems. In this article, you will learn the benefits of keeping a dish sponge in the freezer and why it's worth trying this clever trick.

Freezer and dish sponge – how does it work?

Putting a dish sponge in the freezer may seem counterintuitive, but it has a few advantages that will surprise you. First of all, the freezer can be more effective in maintaining the appropriate humidity, thanks to the sponge. In older refrigerator models, which are not equipped with a modern No Frost system, moisture often causes frost and ice to build up on the freezer walls. A dish sponge placed inside the freezer works as a moisture absorber, helping to prevent unwanted ice formation.

Thanks to this simple procedure, the freezer remains in good condition for longer and needs to be defrosted less frequently. This is especially beneficial for older appliances that require regular frost removal. And who among us wouldn't want to avoid this time-consuming and annoying task?

How to properly use this trick?

To achieve the best results, you should:

  1. Choose the right sponge: Sponges made from natural materials are best, as they will not get damaged during freezing.
  2. Soak the sponge: Before placing it in the freezer, soak it with lemon juice, vinegar, or another natural disinfectant.
  3. Freeze: Place the sponge in a sealed container and put it in the freezer.
  4. Regularly replace: Every so often, replace the frozen sponge with a new one to ensure continuous freshness and effectiveness.
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